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the trees dying

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Q: Why do branches fall off trees?
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What does gales lash the trees mean?

Branches are falling off the trees

What is fall seasone?

the season fall is when the leaves start to change colors and fall off the branches

Does ice cream fall off trees?

Yes, ice cream does fall off trees, but only if somebody puts it there and the wind blows.

When do I trim my white pine trees in Indiana?

White pines don't need to be trimmed. You can trim off lower branches as the trees grow but leave enough branches to support the trees health.

Which season leaves fall from the trees?

Autumn, or Fall. That's pretty much why they call it Fall. the leaves FALL off trees.

When do trees drop sap?

In the fall. Trees pull back some moisture from leaves before they dessicate, turn brown, and fall off.

What happen to the leaves on deciduous trees?

They fall off.

What happends to leaves when they fall off the trees?

They decompose

What is call for falling leaves?

In the UK, Autumn is the season when broadleaf trees start to change colour and fall from the branches. Autumn is known as the 'Fall' in America.

What kind of tree fall in autumn?

Deciduous trees lose their leaves in autumn, facing winter with bare branches.

How does Malcolm's army make the witches prophecy come true in Macbeth?

The army breaks off branches from the trees in Birnam wood and carries the branches with them as they march on Macbeth's castle. Apex

Can cows eat pine trees?

No, but cows can destroy pine trees by rubbing the bark off, chewing off the twigs and branches, etc. Pine trees are actually poisonous to cattle, especially to pregnant cows.