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Usually it's just because they are play fighting

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Q: Why do brother and sister cats fight in the evening?
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Is polydactyl in cats caused by inbreeding?

This is true the polydactyl cats parents would most likely have been brother and sister

Will a cat come out normal if it from a brother and sister cat?

Yes it will. cats aren't like humans

How old do brother and sister cats mate?

Brothers and sisters, of any species of animal, cannot breed.

What is that idiom about the cat and dog?

It's raining cats and dogs outside. meaning- it's raining very hard outside. The two brother' fight like cats and dogs. meaning- the two brothers always fight.

Why do ginger cats fight with non ginger cats?

All cats fight at times, usually just in play. Ginger cats are no more likely to fight non-ginger cats than cats of any other colour.

On total drama island who lives in Courtney family?

a dad named Andy older brother anthany sister Isabella sister older elizabeth younger sister grace and a mom named jazz 12 cousins and 2 cats

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What if your two cats who are brother and sister one is gray and white with brown eyes and one is black and white with brown eyes what did the parents probably look like?

The parents likely had a similar coloring to the kittens, with one cat being predominantly gray and white while the other was mainly black and white. Both parents probably had genes for brown eyes since both kittens inherited this eye color.

Can you breed 2 dogs from the same father?

It wouldn't be smart because if the have the same father( brother and sister) they would be more likely to have mutations or serious health problems. Like when you breed brother and sister cats they have double paws. I would ask a vet or animal specialest. That would be your best bet.

What preys on the evening grosbeak?

Cats, snakes, accipiter hawks.

Do Siamese cats do better in pairs?

Well, If you have found a pair of cats you would like to buy, see if they are brother and sister or sister and sister etc. Then if you take one away for about 10 mins and the other cat moans, Then yes cat should be bought in pairs.

Why do cats have the instinct to fight?

Cats can fight because they are territorial and do not want other cats to intrude. They can also fight over food, water and attention. It can take awhile for cats to become friendlier with each other.