

Why do bugs have green blood?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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15y ago

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The main reason we need blood is to transport oxygen from our lungs to other parts of our body. Humans and other animals use a molecule called hemoglobin to pick up and deliver oxygen. Hemoglobin is a very large molecule but since bugs are so small and don't need so much oxygen they use a simpler molecule called hemocyanin.

The reason that the blood is of different color is that the molecules contain two different metals:

# Hemoglobin in humans contains iron. When you leave something made of iron outside for a long time it rusts. Rust is red as you have probably seen. # Hemocyanin in bugs contains copper. When copper is left outside it patinates. Patina is green (look at the Statue of Liberty). Both rust and patina is a sign that the metal has picked up oxygen.

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