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Q: Why do bugs prefer damp areas?
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Because of their soft undersides isopods prefer to stay in cool damp areas to prevent them from drying out

Why do pill bugs prefer wet environments?

They prefer places containing moisture. Temperature is not so much an issue, as long as you don't keep them in a furnace or a freezer. They need moisture to live, but they don't swim, so they seek damp areas rather than puddles.

What should you keep your ladybirds in if your keeping them as pets?

You can put it in a plastic box, or terrarium. Add a paper towel, or shredded newspaper that is damp (so they can drink); Bugs DO prefer to be outdoors though.

What type of habitat do crickets prefer?

It depends really on the breed of the cricket, like here in New Zealand they prefer heavily wooded areas that are quite damp; but in tropical areas they prefer places with a fair amount of ventilation that are quite dry but with still enough bush to hide in. Hope this helped! :)

What do ants prefer over a dead plant or dead bugs?

They prefer dead bugs wheter wise.

Why can't lightning bugs live in California?

There are fireflies found in California, however they are rarely seen. This is because fireflies only eat snails and California lacks a native snail population and the damp areas where snails live.

What attracts silverfish bugs to enter your home?

dark damp places

What are zombies habitat?

Zombies prefer heavily populated areas.. populated with the living anyway. They can survive in any area that has a supple food source, and if the conditions are not too harsh. They have problems with heavily frozen areas, and highly damp areas as it promotes rot and decay.

Do snails prefer light or dark conditions?

Dark and damp

Do woodlice prefer dry or damp conditions?

They prefer damp conditions, Because woodlice need to breath through the moisture, they also have gills so they need to be in damp places like under rocks , logs & leaves's also need to be in dark conditions

Do woodlice prefer damp conditions?

They prefer damp conditions, Because woodlice need to breath through the moisture, they also have gills so they need to be in damp places like under rocks , logs & leaves's also need to be in dark conditions

Where do roly poly bugs live?

Roly pollies mostly live underneath bricks, flower pots, leaves, mulch, and rocks. They like moist, damp areas and eat decaying vegetation.