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To collect the rare amounts of water in the desert as quickly as possible before the water evaporates.

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Q: Why do cactus roots grow close to surface?
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Why the roots of the cactus plant and the hickory tree grow the way they do?

shallow roots extend away from a plant long; thinck roots that grow deep

Do cactus grow slowly?

Cactus are a desert plant, and so need to send their roots deep down for their food.

How have the stems of a cactus adapted to the desert?

The roots absorb water and that makes the stem grow

Advantages of a plant's roots to grow down?

The advantages of a plant with roots that grow down are that it helps to stabilize the plant and to hold it in place. It also allows the plant to find water, which is not always close to the surface.

A cactus can grow where there is what?

A desert cactus can grow where the soil is free drainingbut holds enough moisture to meet cactus needs. It can grow where heat and light levels are high and moisture levelslow. A jungle cactus can grow where there are tall tree trunks or branches on which to anchor their airy, exposed roots. It can grow where heat and humidity levels are high and light levels low. But neither desert nor jungle cactus plants can grow in cold, damp climates.

What kind of plants grow well in hot climates?

date palms , cactus and plants with long roots.

Can cactus grow in soil?

I think a cactus can grow in soil. I think a cactus can grow in soil.

What kind of root tends to grow in a dense network near the surface of the earth so it can branch out and collect water?

Cactus roots go to the surface because in desserts, the water is very little and only at the surface. When it rains, it will be able to collect the water as the rain falls down.

Why is it important for the roots of desert plants to grow near the surface of the ground?

It is important for the roots of desert plants to grow near the surface of the ground so the desert plant's roots may get water easily ( without going into many kinds of trouble ).

How does the roots of a cactus adapt to the desert?

Cactus roots have adapted by burrowing deep to reach water that is not quickly evaporated by surface heat. The stems grow very thick to act as a sort of insulation against evaporative loss. And the leaves have evolved as needles which have a low surface area to reduce evaporation and to deter animals and insects that would pierce the stem to suck moisture from the plant.

Do all roots grow from the ground?

Roots are always expected to grow underground, beneath the surface of soil. However, in some cases it is common for roots to appear on water or above ground.

How do cactus grow flowers?

If you want flowers to grow on your cactus you are supposed to water your cactus.