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So that cab drivers can open the rear door simply by reaching back, and won't have to physically get out of their cabs.

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Q: Why do cars drive on the right side of the road at the savoy?
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Right or left hand drive are cars in Ireland?

Yes. Yes, drivers in Ireland (North & South) drive on the left. The only difference between the two are the road signs. The signs in the Irish Republic use kilometers (metric) for distances and speed limits, while the signs in the North (UK) use miles (imperial).

Are cars in France left hand drive or right hand drive?

Cars in France are left hand drive (traffic drives on the right hand side of the road)

Are cars from northern Ireland right or left handed?

Cars in Northern Ireland drive on the left hand side of the road.

What do cars drive on?


Are Australian cars left hand drive?

The flow of traffic is on the left-hand side of the road, but vehicles with the drivers controls on either the left or the right are lawful.

What side of the car is the drivers side in Ireland?

In Northern Ireland, people drive on the left side of the road.

Are cars necessary to be on the road?

um... that's what road were made for... for cars to drive on. if you mean are cars aloud to drive anywhere else, no unless it's your property.

Does England drive from right?

The UK drives on the left side of the road and cars normally have the steering wheel on the right side of the vehicle.

What side of the road do people in the UK drive on?

People drive on the left in England and typically the cars are right hand drive.

Which side of the road do you drive on in Scotland?

You have to drive on the left side of the road.

What side of the cars in Checkoslavakia are the steering wheels?

Czechoslovakians drive on the right side of the road. The steering wheel on cars sold within that country would then be on the left. But any car, whether it is right hand or left hand drive can legally operate on any road in any country.

Where is the Savoy Hollow Library in Savoy located?

The address of the Savoy Hollow Library is: 720 Main Road, Savoy, 01256 9387