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Q: Why do cats have small incsiors?
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Cats are divided into three main group's- small cats big cats and leopards in which group do your house cats belong?

Cats are aggressive when you get to close to their babies. 

Are house cats counted as small cats?

Yes, they are considered small cats...

What are all the small cats?

cats are odd

Why are cats tiny?

Not all the cats are small. Why? Well, think about Lions. they are also a cat. so all the cats aren`t small.☺

What is a cats sincetifc name?

1. Felinae (the small cats domestic)2. Acinonyinae (the cheetah( to small to be a big cat))3. Pantherinae (the big cats) that's their name or other wise known as Felis covers the small cats, panthera the great cats, and the cheetah stands alone.

Do small cats belong to the small cat group?

Of course!

Why are small cats related to big cats?

They are all felines and have similar traits.

Are there still big cats in minecraft?

No only Small cats named Ocelots

What places does small cats live in?

Small cats can live in small places such as a basement or a bird house. Trust me, there are a lot more places than you would expect!

What do small cats weigh?

A small cat may weigh as little as 4 pounds, but that is very small. Female cats usually weight between 6 and 8 lbs.

How do worms eat cats?

Worms eat cats that are decomposed and they take small bites of it.

What do you give to a small cat?

Smaller cats.