

Why do chickens combs go floppy?

Updated: 12/17/2022
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12y ago

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because they get horny

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Q: Why do chickens combs go floppy?
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it makes their bones fallout and they go all floppy

When do chickens get combs?

by a couple of months old.

How do chickens absorb vitamin d?

through their combs...

Do chicken combs droop when they are sick?

chickens and roosters

What animals have combs and wattles?

chickens have red wattle/comb

Do roster combs grow back?

No. Combs and wattles lost to fighting or frostbite do not regenerate. A chickens comb and wattle is like any other appendage and does not have the capacity to re-grow after loss. Damaged combs will blacken and drop off and if they do not get infected during this process the chicken will go on with no problems.

Chickens asorb what through their combs from sunshine?

UV rays and convert it to Vitamin D

Are their some breed of chicken without comb or wattle?

Not necessarily. In many breeds of chickens both roosters and hens have combs although the roosters combs are usually more pronounced and develop faster than the hens. Combs are described in several ways, such as Peacombs, double combs, single comb and combless such as Silkies. If all your chickens are of the same breed then you probably have one of the breeds that only the roosters develop combs or the hens combs are still too small to identify. Check the link below to see various breeds.

Do rooster combs grow back?

Roosters and hens have combs and waddles to cool themselves. We sweat to cool ourselves, and chickens have combs and waddles to cool themselves.

Why does a rooster have a bigger comb?

Humans nd chickens both have feremones which is the same when talking about female and male chickens and what makes the roosters have bigger combs is there testosterone.

What nicknames does Ryan Combs go by?

Ryan Combs goes by Hog.

What nicknames does Wes Combs go by?

Wes Combs goes by Soldier.