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Not only children but adult too, if you do not treat yourself properly then you may die, ask your doctor or anyone you know with medicalexperience to help you answer your questions.

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Q: Why do children die from the flu?
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Why are children dying from swine fly?

Children are dying from swine flu because people of any age can die from any type of flu including seasonal.

Can you die of Swine Flu in Europe?

You can die from any strain of flu, anywhere in the world.

Can you die from the regular flu?

yes you can die from the flu... In fact regular flu is more harmful than swine flu. Any of you who disagree with me, I'm not lying, my mom is a doctor.

Died from bird flu in UK?

Humans and birds can die from avian "bird" flu. Up to 60% of humans who get avian flu can die.

Did Harriet die because of a flu?

Actually Harriet Tubman technically didn't die from the flu.

Can kids die from Swine Flu?

Yes, and children are in one of the groups that have been hardest hit by the pandemic flu. But, that still is a relatively low number of deaths compared to those from the regular seasonal flu. See the related questions below for more information.

When can you stop flu shots?

The flu vaccine is recommended for children and the elderly but nobody is forced to get it. Whether or not to get a flu vaccine is a personal choice.

Can people die from the regular flu?

People can die from the flu if they have some other diesease with it that breaks down their immune system.

Could you die if you have the bird flu?

Yes, you can die from the bird flu if you dont get the proper fluids and shots you need to get it away.

If one has contracted Swine Flu are they more likely to die than if they had contracted normal seasonal flu?

swine flu is not as bad as normal flu

Has anyone who did not get the flu shot died from the flu?

Yes, each year in the US approximately 36,000 people die from the flu; most did not have a flu vaccination.

If you do not have a spleen can you die from the flu virus the swine flu?

Anybody can potentially die from any flu, swine or otherwise. Those without a spleen are at a higher risk of developing chest infections (like pneunomia), but the spleen does not have anything to do with fighting any type of flu or whether you will die from it.