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Christians must go to church as they can learn The Bible better and have communion, and they need the church when they get married, children get baptised and for funierals.

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Q: Why do christians need to go church. Bible references please?
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What religion is a Bible church?

Christian. The Bible is the authoritative book of teaching for Christians. A Bible church, if it is true to its name will put its emphasis on following the Bible.

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You could say that, but at Church we just learn about the Bible and how to honor him.

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They went to Church and had it read out to them

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they go to church, read the bible etc.

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The bible that is used by the Christians, that is the old and new testaments, was put together by the Catholic church.

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church") uses the King James Version of the Bible (for English speakers), with no changes to the text. The church does publish it's own version which includes cross-references with the Book of Mormon, but members are welcome to use any King James Version Bible. Mormons speaking other languages use whatever Bible version is available in their language. The King James Version of the Bible is the most common Bible for English speaking Christians. Other popular Bible versions are the New King James, New International Version, and Revised Standard Version. Mormons are welcome to use other versions of the Bible for their personal study, but the official Bible of the Mormon Church is the King James. You are welcome to read the Mormon version of the King James Bible online or order your own paper copy at the "Related Links" below.

How many references to a feast in the Bible?

145 references in the KJV Bible.

What do Christians believe the church has a right to say about the Bible?

One opinion:Many Christians would maintain that only the Bible has a right to say about the church, not the other way around. When a church "filters" the Bible through its own (manmade) doctrine, the only possible result is unscriptural error.Matthew 15:9 - And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men. [NKJV]

What language is the Catholic Bible?

Catholic editions of the Bible are available in most languages for better access to the faithful around the world. The official language of the Church is Latin and thus any official references to the Bible by the Universal Church hierarchy are cited in Latin.

What is the appropriate language when speaking to church members about sexual acts and their references in the bible?

speak the truth and use common sense!

What church are best for all types of Christians?

Christian non denominational churches are fine for any Christian, but only go to a church that is Bible based.