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The second strand of a chromosome is a copy of the genetic information for that cell.

There are 2 strands so that when the cell divides, there is one copy of each chromosome for each offspring cell.

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Q: Why do chromosomes need to become 2 strands before the cell divides?
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When a body cell divides through the process of mitosis what is the number of chromosomes in the daughter cells?

After mitosis each daughter cell contains 46 chromosomes as the DNA replicates itself before the cell divides

What happens to the chromosome before an animal cell divides?

The chromosomes have to split and go to opposite sides of the cell.

What condenses into an X shape before mitosis?

Chromatids condense into an X shape before mitosis. Chromatids are identical strands of chromosomes. After duplication there are 12 chromatids that are in 3 pair of homologous chromosomes.

Why does a cell make a copy of itself before it divides?

So that the new cells have the same chromosomes as the parent cells.

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A cell must make an exact copy of its genome before it divides. Genomes are the complete set of chromosomes present in a cell.

What do chromosomes do before mitosis?

Before mitosis begins, the chromosomes in a cell replicate. This occurs during the S (synthesis) phase. Chromosomes need to replicate so that when the cell divides at the end of mitosis, the daughter cells each recieve a copy of the chromosomes.

How many chromosomes are in a human cell before and after meiosis?

When meiosis begins at Gap 1 phase (G1) the cell of a human has 46 chromosomes or 2n.

Are joined strands of duplicated genetic material?

Chromosomes and sister chromatids are joined strands of duplicated genetic material. A chromatid is one copy of a duplicated chromosome which, before replication, is composed of one DNA molecule.

During binary fission of prokaryotes both the original and the duplicated chromosomes attach to what before the cell divides in half?

plasma membrane; :)

When a cell divides by mitosis how is the chromosome number affected?

In the beginning of mitosis the number of chromosomes double. But since during mitosis the chromosomes are divided between the two daughter cells the number of chromosomes at the end is the same number as the beginning before doubling.

Why do chromosomes in parent cell duplicate during mitosis?

Chromosomes doubles during the S phase of inter-phase, which occurs before Mitosis. During the process of mitoses cell divides into 2 daughter cells from a single parent hence, before mitoses cells must duplicate so that each new cell has a sufficient set of genetic material.