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Salt becomes sticky because it absorbs water from the surrounding environment. When it does this, the water molecules exhibit attraction with the water molecules on skin, thus creating stickiness.

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9y ago
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15y ago

Because of Hygroscpic nature of salt it become wet in rainy season as the salt absorbs moisture from environment. Because of Hygroscpic nature of salt it become wet in rainy season as the salt absorbs moisture from environment.

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12y ago

because of hygroscopic

nature of salt it become wet in rainy season as the salt absorb moisture from environment

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14y ago

Because Yasir was having a good time on an aeroplane

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13y ago

The rain loosens the built up oil making a very slippery salad-dressing like mixture of oil and water.

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9y ago

Because of the presence of deliquescent substance like MgCI2

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Q: Why do common salt become moist during rainy season?
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Continue Learning about Earth Science

How do parts of living things become fossilized?

The parts of living things become fossilized when they are subject to a moist environment. Over time the living things are pressed into the moist ground and fossilized.

Why swelling of wood occurs in rainy season?

dry seeds and wooden boards etc.,swell up on contact with water or on exposure to moist air.(IMBIBITION)

What happens when clouds form moist winds during orographic lifting?

The moist clouds are formed and forced up to higher elevations, like mountains.CORRECT Hot spots on the Tropical Oceans cause a Rising Column of Hot, Moist, Air. The Column begins to rotate in a vertical spiral due to Rotation of the Earth. In the Northern Hemisphere the Rotation of the Column is Counter-clockwise, Opposite in the Southern Hemisphere. The Largest of these Rotating Air Masses become Hurricanes travelling Westward across the Tropical Oceans until they make Landfall.

In what seasons do hurricanes form?

Hurricanes typically form during the summer and fall when the ocean temperatures are the warmest. They are most frequent in August and September, though the official season in the Atlantic is from June 1 to November 30. A hurricane forms in tropical regions. They form where there is warm water moist air an wind.

A desert shows much wider daily temperature variation than a moist environment?

Water is a conductor of heat, therefore when moist environments are under sunlight during they day they retain some of the heat at night, whereas a desert does not.

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When is lettuces in season?

SpringWhen ever it is warm and moist.

What is the climate during the raining season?

During the rainy season, the climate is typically characterized by increased precipitation, higher humidity levels, and cooler temperatures compared to the dry season. Rainfall can vary depending on the region, but generally, the atmosphere tends to be more moist and cloudy during this time.

Why do tornadoes usually tend to form during the summer?

Tornadoes form from thunderstorms, which are fueled by warm, moist air. Such warm, moist conditions occur most often during the summer. Tornadoes themselves are more common in the spring, when upper-level winds are more favorable for them to form.

What do pools and oceans have in common?

They are notoriously moist.

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How does the vagaina become moist?

Sex, when you got hor*y

How do parts of living things become fossilized?

The parts of living things become fossilized when they are subject to a moist environment. Over time the living things are pressed into the moist ground and fossilized.

Can rock salt become stale?

It can become moist and stick together, but salt does not get stale. If it is moist, break it apart and place in the oven for a few minutes on about 170 degrees on a cookie sheet.

Is there any new players in Galactic Football season 3?

U are a moist yute

What do gas exchange systems have in common?

The exchange surfaces are moist.

Does sugar become moist in cold weather?

sugar hardens in cold weather

Why do isopods like moist environments?

Isopods like the very common pillbug are not insects at all but actually crustaceans. They have gills and need the moist environments to breath.