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Q: Why do cooked strawberries leave a bitter taste?
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What are some examples of bitter taste in plants?

Pine nuts have a slightly bitter taste and can sometimes leave a Bitter Taste in your mouth.

Why does your cooked frozen turkeys skin taste bitter?

nobody knows

What is the weapon the angel of death uses?

To anniliate the enemy and leave a bitter taste in their mouth.

Why are your raspberries bitter?

Fresh, uncooked peas have a bitter taste because of the different nutritional value compared to after they are cooked. This applies the same way to dark leafy greens.

Can cooked food that has been frozen be made into something else and then frozen again?

You can but it will not taste as good as the first thing unless it is strawberries or a cooked vegetable like corn or broccoli

Do bases tastes bitter or acids?

Acids taste bitter.

What is the taste of bitter guard?

It is incredibly bitter, definitely an acquired taste

What solution tastes bitter?

Bases taste bitter. Acids taste sour.

Why do you have a Bitter taste in mouth after eating?

A Bitter taste in mouth can be left even after eating if you have recently been using canned air. The use of canned air can leave a residue on your hand and lips which is bitter. This is because of the bitterant they add into the canned air to keep people from inhaling it.

Why does your penis taste like strawberries?

You must be a redhead all redheads penis taste like strawberries

Do acids taste sharp or bitter?

Acids taste sour and bases taste bitter. Bases and Bitter both start with 'B', so I never confuse.

What removes the bitter taste from cranberries?

Adding sugar will remove some of the bitter taste. If the berries are under-ripe, it will be impossible to remove all of the bitter taste.