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Alligators swallow their prey whole they only use their teeth to catch and wound prey not tear prey apart.

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Q: Why do crocodiles swallow their prey whole or tear it apart?
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When crocodiles eat fish do they spit out the bones or do they swallow them?

Crocodiles swallow their foods whole, even fish, bones and all. They have alimentary canals and digestive systems designed to manage and extract nutrients from all parts of their prey.

How do crocodiles eat?

Crocodiles first drown their prey and the rip off chunks and pieces of the prey then swallow the pieces because they cant chew.

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They swallow their prey whole.

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They don't. They swallow their prey WHOLE.

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All frogs swalluw their prey whole, they will kill it by crushing it between the jaws but frogs do not reduce the size by this and so swallow their prey whole.

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Lizards swallow food. They do not chew. Komodo dragons (up to eight feet long) ambush their prey, tear off large chunks of flesh (deer and large pigs) and swallow it whole. Sometimes it takes them 15-20 minutes to swallow small mammals, up to the size of a goat, whole. Green iguanas are primarily herbivores, consuming insects as a by-product.

How do lizard eat food?

Insectivores will either eat their prey whole, or rip it apart depending on the size of the prey and the species of lizard. Meat-eating lizards such as monitors will hunt their prey and rip apart the animal. Lizards that eat fruits and vegetables will swallow some whole, and rip others apart. It also depends on whether or not it's captive or wild.

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It is when an organism swallow its prey whole and then vomits the prey back out again

What does an alligator eat underwater?

Alligators usually sneak up on their prey, catch them offguard, drown them and swallow them whole above water as they can not swallow underwater. Their jaws are not designed for tearing and ripping flesh (like crocodiles), but instead for crushing bone.

Does desert animals swallow their prey whole?

The Rattlsnake

Do rattlesnakes swallow animals whole?

Yes, they have no way to chew or tear off a chunk on the prey. They have to swallow it whole.

How do boas chew its food?

They don't. They swallow their prey whole.