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Q: Why do crytals of different sizes have bigger crystals?
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What are crystals sizes?

All crystals are diffrent sizes ?

How long is a Ziggurat?

It depends, different ones are of different sizes. Bigger the better.

Are vacuum sealer refills available in different sizes?

Yes, they are available in different sizes. The bigger they are, the more expensive they will be. conversely, the smaller they are, the less expensive they will be.

Do crystals have the same shapes?

Crystals of the same substance form a similar structure in nature, but there are many basic crystaline structures in different substances

Does boiling salt water leave residue?

Yes it does. The water evaporates off leaving salt crystals behind. Depending on how fast you evaporate the water, different sizes of crystals are formed. The slower you evaporate, the larger the crystals.

Why are some bigger than others?

There are lots of different types of Jellyfish and the different species are different sizes and they are naturally like that!!

There are different sizes of these in different igneous rocks?

Different igneous rocks have different crystal sizes because they have cooled at different rates. Those with larger crystals have cooled at a slower rate. A single rock sample can have varying crystal sizes because there are different minerals within it. It is consistently the Quartz crystals in Granite which cool fastest, leaving less space for the Mica, which forms later. This means that the Quartz crystals are larger than others in the rock, resulting in an inconsistency in size.

Has two distinct sizes of crystals?


Why do different images have various sizes?

Images can have different high and with and you can manage this. Some images are smaller, some are bigger.

Why are some jellyfishes bigger than others?

There are lots of different types of Jellyfish and the different species are different sizes and they are naturally like that!!

Is it healthy if your penis is bigger than it should be?

yes its normal to have all different shapes and sizes

How is each earthquake wave unique?

umm, they are all different sizes so they are bigger or smaller