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Q: Why do cyclones form in pacific island?
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Where are cyclones most likely to form?

the south pacific

Where do island Form?

In the Pacific Ocean.

Why do hurricanes only occur in the US?

Hurricane is what they are called if they form in the Atlantic Ocean. They are called typhoons if they form in some areas of the Pacific and cyclones in yet other places. All these storms are the same and the generic name for them is "tropical cyclones."

Where do island arcs form?

In the Pacific Ocean.

Which two bodies of water mostly form tropical cyclones that affect the Philippines?

The South Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean.

Violent wind and rain storms that form over the oceans in the tropics are called?

Such storms are overall called tropical cyclones. They go by different names in different regions. In the Atlantic Ocean and eastern Pacific they are called hurricanes. In the western Pacific they are called typhoons. In the southern Pacific and Indian Oceans they simply are called cyclones.

What are cyclones associated with?

Pacific Ocean intense tropical storms are called cyclones. In the Atlantic they are called hurricanes.

Is where a cyclone formed?

cyclones are formed over the pacific ocean

What are powerful rotating storms in the pacific ocean called?

A Hurricane or a Typhoon or a Cyclone.

What is the two bodies of water which most tropical cyclones that affect the Philippines form?

Caroline Islands area located in western part of the North Pacific Ocean.

Where do cylcones happen?

Cyclones occur in the Pacific. Hurricanes occur in the Atlantic

Are cyclones popular in Fiji?

Yes, Tropical Cyclones are popular all over the South Pacific. From November to April are cyclone predicted months.