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Diabetes medication often cause weight increases as the insulin allows the body to use the foods you eat. If that nutrition is not used for energy it is stored as fat.

If you have low insulin levels or your cells don't utilize the insulin, a lot of food goes into your body and out as waste. The high levels of glucose in your blood mess with your circulation, vision and a lot of other bits and pieces, but you don't get fat.

So taking the insulin or other meds is good for staying alive. Controlling your food intake and exercise regimen is good for your weight.

Get your doctor or dietician to help. You'll need to be balancing meds, exercize and food until you get straightened out.

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2d ago

Some Diabetes medications, like insulin or sulfonylureas, can cause weight gain by promoting storage of glucose as fat and increasing appetite. However, not all diabetes medications lead to weight gain – some, like metformin or GLP-1 agonists, may even promote weight loss by improving insulin sensitivity and decreasing appetite. It's important to work with your healthcare provider to find a medication that helps manage your diabetes without causing unwanted weight gain.

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Can your medications make your urine smell really strong and bad?

Yes, certain medications can cause changes in the smell of urine. For example, antibiotics like amoxicillin can sometimes give urine a strong, unusual odor. It's always a good idea to check with a healthcare provider if you notice any significant changes in the smell of your urine while taking medications.

Can aspirin and glucosamine be taken at the same time?

It is generally safe to take aspirin and glucosamine together, as there are no known interactions between the two. However, it is always wise to consult with a healthcare provider before combining medications or supplements to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Why are the elderly more susceptible to becoming dehydrated?

Elderly individuals have a decreased sense of thirst and reduced kidney function, which can make it harder for them to stay properly hydrated. Additionally, age-related changes in their bodies can make it more challenging for them to retain water. Medications commonly taken by older adults can also contribute to dehydration by increasing fluid loss.

Can liver cause skin to turn grey?

Liver disease can cause a condition known as jaundice, which can make the skin appear yellowish in color rather than grey. Other conditions, such as lack of oxygen, poor circulation, or certain medications, may be more likely causes of skin turning grey. If you are concerned about changes in your skin color, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider for proper evaluation and diagnosis.

What types of drugs make you skinny no over the counter?

Prescription medications like phentermine and topiramate are known to be effective in promoting weight loss when used under medical supervision. They work by suppressing appetite or altering the way the body processes fats and carbohydrates. However, these drugs should only be used as directed by a healthcare professional due to potential side effects and risks.

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The medications to treat diabetes do not necessarily cause weight gain. In many cases, individuals who are starting treatment for diabetes were already in a weight gain mode (ie, they were storing more calories than they were burning) and that trend continues after they start taking the medications.

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