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Q: Why do dis solvable stitches hurt 5 months after surgery?
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He didn't hurt his knee when he was young, he hurt his knee a few months ago. And he does have to get surgery for it. But for right now he wears a knee brace.

What happens if you break your stitches after surgery?

Extra scar tissue, not healing correctly, reopening of the wound, and infection. I not a doctor, but if you're hurt then go see one.

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no he just got hurt and he got surgery and hes out for a couple of months

Will stitches left too long hurt a cat?

If you do not clean the stitches, I would not be supised if the stitches got infected or if your cat was not careful and they caught on something.

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Although the doctor provides medicine, any surgery is painful for the first couple of days. Depending on the severity of the cartilage removed, some patients get an external splint and stitches. So to answer your question, yes it does hurt but only for a day or two.

Does it hurt to get stitches taken out of your lip i got 2 stitches in my lip from getting hit with a baseball and it didn't hurt getting stitches in does it hurt getting them out by a doctor?

To some extent it will for a second. When stitches are removed there is a little tug of the stitch as it is taken out. You can feel it, but it isn't as bad as when the stitch was put in. I had 8 taken out recently and was glad to have them out since they started to pull a little on the area where they were.

Why does my new scar hurt badly after smoking marijuana 4 months after surgery?

because you are not saposed to smoke marijuana idiot

Will it hurt to take out your stitches?

NO it might actually feel better

Does it hurt to have surgery?

Some surgeries do not hurt, it depends on what type of surgery it is. Unfortunatly, after the surgery you should probably take some pain pills

Do stices hurt going in?

If you mean stitches then no. They usually numb the area before.

Does it hurt when pins are removed from toes after hammer toe surgery?

No it does not hurt when a pin is removed from your toe after hammer toe surgery.

They can get really hurt and need surgery?
