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Q: Why do doctors advise elderly people to have calcium tablets?
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How can you combat elderly depression?

Depression in the elderly is widespread and very common. This is frequently undertreated or not recognized and can be very serious. It is best to seek the advise of your doctors for they will know better how to treat this. It varies greatly from person to person. There are medications that can be prescribed. You can also talk with a dietician and change your diet. Sometimes a psychologist could be recommended.

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If pregnant should you take calcium and Vitamin B along with a prenatal?

Some doctors (mine included) advise taking extra calcium because the growing baby is taking a lot of your supply. Vitamin B6 may help with "morning" sickness. The reason to separate between taking calcium and prenatals is the absorption of iron. If your prenatal has low levels of calcium then separate calcium from prenatal and that way you will absorb both. If your prenatal is high on calcium, then it doesn't matter anyhow. In that case you might cinsider taking iron separately. That was my case.

When can you take simvastatin anytime or just at bed time?

Doctors advise at bedtime

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* A smile * Sex

Why do doctors advise to put the strips of wet cloth?

To keep to blood from flowing out so easily

Can I take concerta 36 mg with methylprednisolone tablets 4 mg?

Ask your doctor. We cannot advise on such matters as we do not know your medical history

Im 12 and you have to take 9 tablets a day is that safe?

This question cannot be answered accurately by us. Yes, sometimes there will be a need to take 12 different tablets a day to treat illnesses, but without knowing what these are, we cannot advise you. Please consult your local healthcare professional and ask them about your tablets. This will give you an accurate and safe answer.

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3 months is advise by doctors for rugby so football 2-3

Who can provide guidelines on taking calcium channel blockers while on other medicines?

The prescribing physician or pharmacist will advise as to whether combining calcium channel blockers with any other prescription or nonprescription (over-the-counter) medication is appropriate or not.

Are you allowed on roller coasters if you have epilepsy?

It depends what the triggers are for your epilepsy. The BEST advice - would be to consult your doctor. They would be able to tell you whether it's safe for you to go on one. Additionally - they may issue you with a letter giving you the 'all clear' - just in case the parks owners are sceptical about letting you ride.

Can you deliver after 3 c sections?

The answer is yes but most midwives/doctors will advise against it in case your c-section scar ruptures. If you want a VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean) then your doctors will advise you of the possible dangers. I think the risk of rupturing a scar is minimal but most don't like to take the chance. I have known women who have gone on to have VBAC.