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The mother will lick the gential of her young to help them go to the bathroom. It's a natural act.

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Q: Why do dogs lick new puppies' genital area all the time?
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Related questions

Do puppies lick their mom?

puppies do lick their mom

Are dog genitals naturally clean?

No. Dogs lick their genital and anal areas (like cats do) to keep them groomed and clean.

Why do Jack Russell puppies lick our toes?

it's not a specific breed, most dogs will do this because our skin is naturally salty.

Why do puppies pee on you?

Puppies lick you as a mere sign of affection. It is basically a dogs way of kissing somebody.

Why do dogs lick people?

dogs lick people to get to know someone and dogs lick people when their happy.

Why do dogs and puppies lick your face and is it different to when they lick your hand?

Dogs lick your face and skin because they like the taste of salt. They tend to lick your face because your head is usually near theirs and it is the closest thing to lick. A dog licking your face is no different than then licking your hand or any other part of your body for that matter, and it doesn't have any adverse effects for them.

How do dogs show parental care to their young?

Dogs have many ways to protect their puppies. Their first step is a preventative measure, which is digging a hole or trying to find a hiding spot to "nest." They will also protect their puppies by attacking other animals that they feel are threatening them or their puppies. That is why it is important for a dog to trust you if you plan to help them deliver puppies.

Why doesn't your dog lick you?

If dogs do not lick you then they do not appriciate you. Dogs lick you when you give them a treat or play with them.

Why do dogs lick and lick and lick humans?

The enjoy salt.

Do dogs lick humans?

NO they lick cats

Is it weird for your dog to be licking your hamster?

No, dogs often lick things especially very young puppies, to a dog a hamster probably looks like a very young pup.

Is a dogs lick permanent?

Of course not. Is a human lick permanent?