

Why do dogs like cat feces?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: Why do dogs like cat feces?
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Can dogs get diseases from eating cat feces?

Yes they can get worms

What is the difference between dog and cat feces?

Dogs drop feces everywhere, cats bury theirs in soft earth.

What does fox poo look like?

Similar to cat feces.

Do dogs clean their teeth with feces?

No. There are parasites in feces. Consuming feces can make dogs sick or have worms.

Can dogs get tape worm from an infected cat?

Only if the cat eats the feces of the dog with tapeworms or eat the fleas.

Why does your dogs feces smell like sewege?

well, gee, think about what it is...

Can cat urine and feces be hazardous to humans if not cleaned up properly like say some one doesn't clean up cat urine and feces in their house for more than three to six months?

Can cat urine and feces be hazardous to humans if not cleaned up properly like say some one doesn't clean up cat urine and feces in their house for more than three to six months?

What is wrong if a cat has blood in its feces?

AnswerThis could be anything from worms to intestinal bleeding so it's best to take your cat to the vets right away and get a proper diagnosis. It is important diagnostically to determine if the blood is IN or ON the feces. The anal sacs in a healthy cat exude a thin "slime" on the surface of the feces during defecation. If the anal sacs become infected or crusted shut, then burst, blood can be included in this coating, however, this is more prevalent in dogs than cats.

Is cleaning a house that is covered in cat feces dangerous for a human?

Yes. Where there is cat feces, there is also cat urine, and urine decomposes into ammonia, which is a poisonous gas. In addition, cat feces contains bacteria, and in a house full of cat feces, the feces become aerosolized, which increases the chance of the bacteria to be inhaled. The decomposition of cat feces releases sulfur-containing gases, some of which might be changed to sulfuric acid when dissolved in water (as they would be in the lungs).

Do apes defecate?

Yes. Every animal defecates, just like humans. If you ever heard of dog feces, it's like ape feces just from dogs.

Can dogs smell cat feces?

Yes they can! My dog always sniffs and even eats our cats poo but make sure he doesnt!

Are dogs feces organic or inorganic?

Dog feces are organic. They still have material in them that other animals would be willing to digest like bacteria or bugs.