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usually just one at a time. Twins do happen though.

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about three a time.

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Q: Why do dolphins give birth to 1 child at a time?
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How many baby will dolphins give birth?

Dolphins are like us they are mamals so one baby at a time

How are dolphins and gorillas alike?

They are both mammals and give birth to one or two young ones at a time.

How often do striped dolphins have babies?

The answer is actually that they give birth during winter and early summer. they have one baby at a time and give birth every 3 to 4 years.

Does a dolphin give birth?

Q. How often do dolphins give birth? A. Dolphins like bottlenose dolphins give birth about once every 2-4 years. If the calf is healthy, it will nurse for 1-2 years...weaning takes place then but it takes awhile. Q. How long do dolphins stay pregnant? A. Dolphins are pregnant for a whole year!!

How many babies does bottlenose dolphins give birth to?

Usually only one at a time. Twins are rare but happens.

Are dolphins born birth or eggs and what time of the year?

live birth

How many babies can an irrawaddy dolphin give birth to?

Irrawaddy Dolphins are known to be able to have up to 3 babies at a time.

What the time scale to register a child birth?

The time scale to register a child birth is usually 6 months from the time the child has been born.

Minimum time for give birth to second child?

dont fornicate. wait 6 weeks. your stuff will fall out.

Where do dolphins lay their eggs?

Pink dolphin is a mammal. They do not lay eggs. Only two mammals from Australia, lay eggs. They are platypus and echidna. They are the evolutionary link between eggs laying animals and mammals, which give birth to babies.

What is the time when corals give birth?

Corals do not give birth.

How many babies does a Finger Monkey have at once?

Monkeys give birth to only one child at a time, just like human beings. Sometimes they give birth to twins, but only rarely.