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Daring an earthquake, the ground shakes, twists, and heaves, causing buildings to move. Houses can shift on their foundations, crack, and tumble to the ground. Some buildings, however, are built to withstand violent earthquakes. Some are also braced with special materials to keep them standing.

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Q: Why do earthquakes destroy some buildings and not others?
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Is Hurricane Sandy going to destroy New York?

No, but it is going to do some damage to some houses and buildings.

Why do some underwater earthquakes cause tsunamis and others don't?

they make the bottom of the ocean explode

How is the damage form an earthequake different from that of a tornado?

First, how they cause damage is different. Tornadoes cause damage with extreme winds and flying debris. Earthquakes cause damage by shaking buildings and deforming the ground beneath them. Weaker tornadoes cause damage almost exclusively to the outside of a building. Siding and roof material can be stripped away, gutters and awnings taken down, and windows broken. Stronger tornadoes can tear away roofs and walls and scatter some of the debris downwind. When houses are leveled by very strong tornadoes even greater amounts of debris are scattered. The very strongest of tornadoes blow houses away, leaving behind a bare foundation. In a sense tornadoes destroy buildings from the top down and from the outside in. Minor earthquakes can crack walls and cause loose objects to fall. Stronger earthquakes can lead to the partial collapse of many buildings. Very strong earthquakes will level most buildings, but the debris mostly stays on the foundation. Since earthquakes originate underground they easily cause damage to a building's foundation. Damage to the foundation is rare in tornadoes.

Why do some earthquakes affect countries more severely than others?

Because there are tectonic plates in our world and if you live on the boundaries of Australia you will. Have more earthquakes because the plates will rub and cause the earth to shake

What are some hazards associated with earthquake?

Earthquakes can cause tsunami's and destroy building. If they are power full enough they can break gas pipes and cause great fires.If you are inside of a building during an earthquake, falling debris and electrical equipment can trap, hurt, or even kill you

Related questions

What are some effects of earthquakes?

liquifaction, fires, lahars(mudslides) mass destruction of buildings.

Why do some earthquakes cause more deaths?

Because in some countries the buildings are well built (especially in countries where earthquakes are common, where buildings are designed especially to stand them) and in some places the houses are badly built.

How do earthquakes destroy buildings?

An earthquake happens when masses of land below surface named techtonic plates grind against each other and create impact. There's thousands of earthquakes that we can not feel. However, when techtonic plates have a serious impact, that's when dangerous earthquakes happen. These earthquakes shake the land so badly, that they shake the building vigorously causing the material of the building to become weaker and weaker until it collapses. Some examples are bricks getting crushed, windows smashed and tall buildings collapsing.

What are any other impacts that earthquakes do to the earth?

An earthquake on land can cause extensive damage and loss of life as buildings collapse. If the earthquake happens under the sea, a tsunami can form and destroy coastal areas and some way inland.

Is Hurricane Sandy going to destroy New York?

No, but it is going to do some damage to some houses and buildings.

Can you destroy buildings in Just Cause 2?

only some, like the bell tower in the demo.

How do you unlock planes on World War 2 battle over the pacific?

In some missions there are buildings with a plane design. Destroy all of them and you'll unlock a plane. Mission 7 and 13 have them. Not sure about the others.

Why do lower magnitude earthquakes cause more damage than higher ones?

Earthquakes with lower magnitude can cause more damage than higher ranking earthquakes because sometimes the buildings are easier to break in some areas than others for example : an earthquake with a 6 on the richtor scale in Texas may do more damage than a 7 on the richtor scale in California.

Why all earthquakes are not damaging?

Earthquakes vary greatly in intensity. Many are not strong enough to cause any notable damage. Additionally, in some earthquake-prone areas the buildings are built to withstand earthquakes, and so are less likely to be damaged.

Why do some ares have more earthquakes and volcanoes than others?

Because in some places there are tectonic plates that are colliding where others have little activity.

Why do some areas of the world have more earthquakes than others?

they have more earthquakes in other people depending on the faults and plates around the world.

What to do when you don't have place to build in Travian?

you can upgrade the main building to lvl 10 and destroy some buildings you dont need