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They are on stable submarine ground, as it were. some people have theorized the Mid-Atlantic ridge , and such sub-sections as the Dolphin Ridge, the Gettysburg Bank, (named after a survey ship, USS Gettysburg) were or are remnants of-Atlantis, the m,ass of these sub-ocean mounts could dampen out any seismic stresses anyhow- both convent9onal quakes and submarine shock waves- which can and do trigger tidal waves- Tsunamis, are far more common in the Pacific, what are called Solitaries can occur in The Atlantic, and while huge- over l00 feet in spots, seldom cause damage to ships they have been measured accurately with a steady hand and a vertical (Spot averaging) Theodolite which works like a movie camera. The camera fires every two seconds over a two minute run and the films and angles are carefully analyzed. possibly special scored film with graph paper superimposed is also used.

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15y ago

Earthquakes are common along mid-ocean ridges since that is the location of a divergent plate boundary. New oceanic crust is being formed where two plates are moving apart. All of this commotion and movement of Earth's crust creates earthquakes.

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