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Q: Why do egg custard have smell of boiled milk?
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Why 1 egg use to 125 ml of milk in an egg custard?

1 egg to 125ml of milk in a egg custard

Is egg custard a cake?

No. Egg custard, or custard is made with egg yolks, milk and sugar. It is a pudding, in german or american cuisines. It can be baked into pies, added to cakes or pastries or baked and served as is.

What role do eggs play in custard pies?

Custard pies are a cooked mixture of milk, cream and egg yolk.

What is the difference between ice cream and custard?

custard has alot more egg the ice cream or ice milk soft served Custard has at least 1.4% egg yolk in it. Ice Cream needn't have egg yolks in it.

What is the definition of custards?

Custard is any of a variety of food preparations based on a mixture of milk or cream, and egg yolk. Varieties of custard include creme anglaise, a pouring sauce, to crème pâtissière, a thick pastry cream.

How can you tell if a boiled egg is old?

If there is mold. yer u can by the smell and if the shell is braking

What is the difference between eggnog and egg custard?

egg nog is raw egg, egg custard is cooked egg.

How do you make custard from the powder?

Follow the directions on the package. Sometimes you have to add sugar and milk. Sometimes it already has that and you just add water. It does not make a real egg custard because it has no egg.

What is the function of milk in custard?

Prime Minister. yeah cos that's the answer u stupid person how immature can u get?

What standard components used in egg custard tart?

Egg yolk, milk(or cream), sugar, vanilla, and a crust (graham cracker or flour crust).

What egg sinks the fastest in vegetable oil a boiled egg or a non boiled egg?

a boiled egg

Does coconut custard pie need refrigeration?

If it is an egg custard, it should be refrigerated.