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they need energy so they can live and feel healthy

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Q: Why do elderly people need fat in their diet?
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Why do people need a good diet?

if we dont stick to a balanced diet then we will turn fat.

What is the definition of fat diet?

your fat and you need to go on a diet that's the definition.

Do you have to be on a diet when your in gymnastics?

You don't need to be on a diet but don't get fat.

Does fat mass helps hospitalized elderly people?

yes it does help

Why do you need to reduce the fat in a child's diet?

you dont let them be fat and obese

Do you need fat in your diet?

Without fat, you will be too cold so yes, you have to include some sort of fat in your diet. Yes, you do need fat in your diet. Fat is the energy in your body that you need to have if you are playing some sport

Why is fat a problem in the diet of many people?

most people eat too much fat

Is the fat smash diet effective?

The Fat Smash diet is a very effective diet for some people. This particular diet was used by some of the contestants on Celebrity Fit Club.

How much fat do you need in a low carb diet?


What is the treatment of Uterine Cancer and best diet to prevent it?

People that has uterine cancer should take low fat diet. A diet high in animal fat, particularly red meat. They also need to eat fish and flaxseed and of course vegetables and fruits would be great.

Does the Belly Fat Diet Really Burn Belly Fat?

Many dieters find that belly fat is the most difficult fat to lose. This is what attracts so many people to the belly fat diet. But is this diet really effective? While there are several variations of the belly fat diet, most are based on the idea that limiting carbohydrate intake will reduce belly fat. Unfortunately, while these diets may work, they will not specifically reduce your belly fact. It is not possible to burn fat from one area over another. To lose belly fat, dieters will need to improve their diet, participate in cardiovascular exercise, and lower their body fat as a whole.

Why animal needs fat in their diet?

animals need fat In their diet inorder to survive, unlike us they don't get their fats from things like chocolate, if they didnt consume the fat they need they would most likely die out, for example, lions;they need power and speed to catch pray, they get the engery to pounce on their pray from the fat in there body, the energy that comes from their diet is stored away,