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due to aufbau principle the energy of the ultimate sub-orbits are less than the energy of the penultimate orbitals

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Q: Why do electrons go in the next orbit when there is a place in penultimate orbit?
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Atomic explanation as to why a piece of constantan wire with a large diameter has a smaller resistance than a piece of constantan wire with a small diameter?

The larger the wire the more atoms there are to transfer the electrons through the wire. Induced electrons from a power source bump other electrons out of the orbit of the wire atoms thus causing electrons to flow and the induced electrons fall into the orbit of the wire atom until the next loose electron knocks that one out of orbit to the next atom and the next one etc.. It's like a one way game of bumper cars until the electrons get to the end of the wire and into the next conducting substance. This is also the difference between an insulator and a conductor that is how freely an atom gives up its electron when its bumped.

What makes noble gases different?

Noble Gases have a complete set of electrons in their orbits. As seen in a Bohr Diagram, there can by two electrons in the first orbit, eight in the next two, and eighteen in the next two. When an entire orbit is filled perfectly (2 in Helium, 10 in Neon, 18 in Argon, etc.), the element is very stable and, thus, a "Noble Gas."

What are the number of electrons that can be held in the second orbit?

the max is 2 for the first orbitthe max is 8 for the second orbitthe max is 8 for the thrid orbit too.User:HeleneM5500:06, 4 Sep 2009 (UTC)Electrons follow paths called orbits, shells, or levels. Each shell can hold a specific maximum number of electrons. Each electron possesses a definite amount of energy. The radius of the orbit depends on the amount of energy that electron has & on the attractive force the nucleus has for that electron. Bohr model of the atom (with main energy levels identified by number: 1 --> 7Shell #1 closest to nucleus can hold a maximum of 2 each.Shell #2 next shell outward can hold a maximum of 8 each.Shell #3 next shell outward for elements Z = 1 --> 20, this shell can hold a maximum of 8 e-, for all others a maximum of 18 each.

When will Eris next orbit the sun?

Eris is in orbit around the sun. It will remain so unless perturbed from its orbit.

Why electrons path is helical?

In a copper wire each copper atom has two loosely coupled outer thermal atoms (this is why copper has a plus 2 valence)When an electrical current is passed through the copper wire, the two thermal atoms are pushed onto the next copper atom. Temperature of a copper atom depends on how fast the electrons orbit in the respective copper atoms.Since thermal electrons make up the electric current which flows through the copper wire, the electrons will continue to orbit the copper atoms as they move across, thus travelling along a helical path

Related questions

What is a penultimate shell?

Anti-Penultimate shells are the ones to the inner side of penultimate shells or the third from the last.

How many electrons does phosphorus have in its penultimate shell?

If "penultimate" means "next-to-outermost", the correct answer is 8: The innermost shell is full with two 1s electrons; the next-to-outermost shell is full with two 2s electrons and six 2p electrons, for a total of 8. The outermost shell has five valence electrons, constituting with the two inner shells the remainder of the proper number of total electrons for phosphorus, 15, its atomic number.

When was the penultimate one?

Penultimate means the next before last.For example: 2, 4, 12, 56, 4. The penultimate number is 56.

How an insulator work?

All atoms have electrons that orbit the nucleus, we are concerned with the outermost orbit. The outer orbit shell can have from 1 to 8 electrons. The fewer electrons an atom has in this orbit the better it is at conduction (one or two electrons, it is easy to knock one of the electrons out of orbit and pass to the next atom). The more electrons you have, the better it is at insulating. Nothing is a perfect insulator, if you apply enough voltage the electrons will move (current will flow). This is why the insulation on conductors have a voltage rating.

What is penultimate stress?

Penultimate means next-to-last, and "penultimate stress" in phonetics refers to stress in a word falling on the penultimate syllable. In other words, a word carrying penultimate stress is a word that is stressed on the next to the last syllable, e.g. he-li-COP-ter, AF-ter, fan-TAS-tic, etc.

What is penultimate recidivism?

Well penultimate means next to the last of something and recidivism means going back to your addiction; so in colloquial terms it's- "the next to the last time you fell off the wagon!"

What is the penultimate letter to the word love?

V....before the last, next to last

What comes before the next to last in a series?

The pre-penultimate element of the series.

Atomic explanation as to why a piece of constantan wire with a large diameter has a smaller resistance than a piece of constantan wire with a small diameter?

The larger the wire the more atoms there are to transfer the electrons through the wire. Induced electrons from a power source bump other electrons out of the orbit of the wire atoms thus causing electrons to flow and the induced electrons fall into the orbit of the wire atom until the next loose electron knocks that one out of orbit to the next atom and the next one etc.. It's like a one way game of bumper cars until the electrons get to the end of the wire and into the next conducting substance. This is also the difference between an insulator and a conductor that is how freely an atom gives up its electron when its bumped.

What does penultimate mean?

It basically just means the 'second to last' one. For example if i was to say, "it was the penultimate episode of the series", I'm basically saying that the episode was the second to last episode in the series.

In grammar what do we call the last and the next to last?

The very last (question or statement) is the 'ultimate' one. The next to last is the 'penultimate' one.

What makes noble gases different?

Noble Gases have a complete set of electrons in their orbits. As seen in a Bohr Diagram, there can by two electrons in the first orbit, eight in the next two, and eighteen in the next two. When an entire orbit is filled perfectly (2 in Helium, 10 in Neon, 18 in Argon, etc.), the element is very stable and, thus, a "Noble Gas."