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Because the triploid endosperm nucleus is formed at the same time as fertilization and then it develops.

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Q: Why do endosperm formation does not occur until fertilization take place?
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Why do you think that endosperm formation does not occur until fertilization takes place?

Endosperm formation requires the investment of a lot of nutrients. If it took place earlier, and fertilization did not occur, those nutrients could be wasted.

What are the two distinct fertilization that take place in angiosperms?

What are the two distint fertilization that happen in endosperm

What role does double fertilization play in the life cycle of angiosperms?

The fusion of a male gamete with secondary nucleus is called double fertilization and it results in the development of endosperm which nourishes the developing embryo inside the seed. Thus without double fertilization nourishment of developing embryo will be hamphered.

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The kind of fertilization and development that takes place in aquatic animals is known as External fertilization.

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Where does the fertilization takes place?

Depending on the animal, fertilization of eggs can occur externally or internally. With internal fertilization...the sperm and egg generally combine in the fallopian tubes.

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What plant part fom the seed?

The seed is formed in the fruit from ovule. A fertilized ovule develops the embryo and endosperm. Most of the endosperm is used up by the developing embryo in dicot seeds. In monocot seeds large amount of endosperm is retained to support the germinating embryo. When someone plants a seed in the ground an entire plant grows from it over time.

When can fertilzation occur in a women?

No, it occurs in the fallopian tube (oviduct)

Where does fertilization takes place in reptiles?

Fertilization takes place internally.

What are the 2 paterns of fertilization?

The two types of fertilization are 1. Internal fertilization 2. External fertilization Internal fertilization takes place within the body of the female. External fertilization takes place outside the body of female. It takes place by layong eggs.

Where does fertilization take place in a reptile?

for reptiles it is internal fertilization and they can't do external fertilization