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North American Eskimo's don't rely that heavily on snowshoes as the tundra would be hard packed ice and fairly easy to navigate without them. However, they would be more of an essential tool for woodland peoples during the winter months and the greatest usage would be for hunting and traversing challenging terrain with deep snow.

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Q: Why do eskimo's wear snow shoes?
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snow shoes

Why eskimos wear snowshoes?

yes they did and they used them on land along with dog sleds

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snow shoes

Why do mountain hikers wear snowshoes with walking across areas with deep snow?

Why do mountain hikers wear snow shoes whilst walking over snow?Seems a bit self answering to me, but I'll humour it.They wear snow shoes because there's snow on the ground, and normal shoes would sink into it due to the high weights - surface area given by their current shoes. This' lowered by the snow shoes' greater surface area.

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yo mom snow shoes

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cause you'll sink into the snow

What is the explanation for the following eskimos wear snowshoes?

Eskimos wear snowshoes to help keep their feet warm.

What is the name for the thing that Eskimos wear on their feet to keep them from sinking in snow?

It's called a condom. just kidding, they're called Snowshoes.

Who do you call the snow house of the eskimos?


What do Eskimos wear today?

Most Eskimos wear jeans and shirts and so on, just like you do. Some Eskimos, particularly elders, do sometimes wear more traditional clothing, however. The traditional garb (shirts, shoes, coats, etc.) is made from the skins of different Alaskan mammals, including bear, seal, muskox, and so on.

What do the woodland people wear?

fur, skin, snow shoes, feathers, and tree bark