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Evil acts give attention.

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Q: Why do evil acts mostly succeed than the good ones?
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Does Zeus bring good or evil to humans?

Mostly good but some evil as punishment.

Why is Adam to blame for evil acts?

adam and eve are not responsible for evil acts committed by their offspring, they only introduced evil to the human bloodline by eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Is there good consequences for evil acts?

Not at all.It is impossible. if it is true that a n evil act has good consequence there is no evil act exists.An evil act will always consequence a bad and evil end.

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What did Shakespeare mean when he said there is good in evil and evil in good?

Under every evil is good and under every good is evil. so if your little sister acts unusually nice to you then she might have a bad reason under that and vice versa.

How do you say in Latin all it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing?

Boondock Saints reference....

Do hinduis see people as good or evil?

Depends on the way a person acts. One's thoughts and actions make the person good or makes the person evil.

How do you know you are not evil?

Because you do not have red eyes. In all seriousness, good and evil are often hard to define without guidance. Many people find that humanity is basically good, while others believe that humanity is fallen. Does that mean that humanity is evil? Not necessarily. In most cultures, whether you are good or evil is defined by your actions. If you commit acts that are considered evil, like murder or kidnapping or rape, you may be considered evil. If you commit acts that are good, such as providing for your family, or giving to those who have less than you, or being generally helpful and charitable to others, then you will be considered good. Still for others, goodness or evil starts with your heart and mind. If your heart desires good, then you are a "good" person. If your heart desires evil things, then you may be considered "evil."

What does Socrates mean when he claims that virtue is knowledge?

If one knows what is good, that person will not commit evil acts.

Did commander Cody turn evil?

No he just acts like it him and his men stayed good. he also isn't a clone.

What is the meaning of Good can exist without evil whereas evil cannot exist without good?

This statement suggests that the concept of "good" can exist independently on its own, as a positive and desirable quality. However, the concept of "evil" relies on the presence of "good" as a contrasting force to define itself. In other words, good can stand alone, while evil must be defined in relation to good.

What is good evil and bad evil?

There is no such thing as "good evil." Evil is the opposite of good.