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Q: Why do fantail goldfish attack smaller fantails?
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What type of fish are sutable together?

Well fish such as goldfish go in cold water and fish such as angel fish (tropical) go in warm water. Try not to mix them up as one fish may not live. If you would like to get goldfish don't mix them with fantail fish with 2 split tails as the goldfish will attack. So keep fantails with their own kind. Hope I helped.

You have a fantail goldfish and it has been alone in a tank for 6 weeks you added another fantail today and the new one is attacking the old one Is this normal?

The only time I know of when goldfish become territorial and attack other fish is when they are overcrowded and are struggling for life itself. Is your tank big enough for 2 goldfish? The basic rule/calculation for keeping fish is "1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water". A goldfish commonly grows to 10 inches or more so the minimum sized tank you NEED for 2 goldfish is a (Nominal) 25 gallon tank in order to have an (Actual) 20 gallons of water.

What will happen if angelfish attack goldfish?

Then the goldfish will die.

How do you teach your cat not to attack your goldfish?

Use a spray bottle (with water in it) to keep your cat away from the goldfish. However, this doesn't stop the cat from being curious, so you might just want to put the goldfish in an area where the cat can not get to it; just to be safe.

Why do goldfish attack another goldfish?

ID3541807423 says: They aren't attacking each other, they are just playingPuertoRicoRocks says: Actually, it is rare, but goldfish can fight.But when goldfish are kept together it benefits them. (Unless it's a regular goldfish with a fancy goldfish, because in that case the regular goldfish would eat the food up before the fancy one gets to it.)It benefits them because they're not alone and they will swim more often, have more fun, and live a better life

Do owls attack snakes?

ya I'm pretty sure they attack the smaller one's

What will you do when your 2 goldfish are attacking each other?

bassicly the one that started the attack you need to put it in another tank for a few days

Will red tail sharks attack goldfish?

yes! yes they will. Red tailed sharks are very aggressive and territorial not to mention that they will go for the goldfish's long fines.

Do betta fish attack goldfish?

Ther are at least 2 reasons why a Betta will not kill a goldfish. 1 A male Betta will only attack and fight another male Betta. 2, They should never meet. Bettas are tropical fish and need to be kept at around 78F and Goldfish are coldwater fish and should be kept at below 70F. In order to be successfull keeping any fish, (coldwater or tropical) the basic rules apply. The rules are :- 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank needs to have a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank needs at least 50% of its water replaced every week. Keep to the above rules and your fish will stand a chance of survival. Fail in any and I can guarantee that your fish will have constant health problems and will live a shortened life span.

Do shark attack whales?

No whale sharks do not attack. They are very harmless creatures.

Do gars attack people?

A 6 ft one that weighs hundreds of pounds would attack a human. But smaller ones only bite people.

Can coy and goldfish live together?

No because the coy is a fast growing, aggresive fish. The goldfish is a slow moving fish and very docile. The coy, once it outgrows the goldfish will start to eat the fins and constantly attack them. I have seen it happen many times with people who think they mix well. They will however live together in a large outdoor pond if there is enough room, food and cover.