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Q: Why do food web provides a better model of an ecosystem than a food chain does. A food web?
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Explain Why a food web provides a better model of an ecosystem?

i think they have to make of a food about write

What is a simple model that shows how energy is transferred from organism to organism within an ecosystem?

Ecosystem For (A+)

What are energy pyramids?

Is a model that shows how much energy is available at each level of a food chain or ecosystem

What are the objectives in making a model of an ecosystem?

By making a model of an ecosystem, one can better improve their knowledge and understanding of how different factors affect eachother and the relationship between living and nonliving things.

What is the new trophic model?

Well the trophic model is like the pyramid (Food Chain).But the difference is that trophic model's change every time you go to a different ecosystem.(Ecosystem Definition - Ecosystems have a wine shaped trophic model and Near - Pristine Ecosystems have a upside down wine shaped trophic model. Human affected ecosystems have a triangle trophic model.

What is a model used to show the feeding relationship between a single producer and a chain of consumers in an ecosystem?

It is called a food chain. Multiple food chains create a food web.

An ecologist is studying how energy is transferred between organisms within an aquatic ecosystem Which model is most useful for the ecologists research?

the food chain

A student made a model of an ecosystem inside a sealed plastic bottle. She placed soil rocks water plants and animals inside the bottle. How is the model different from a natural ecosystem?

Answer this question… The model lacks diversity.

What model show the transfer of energy in an ecosystem?

Food web shows transfer of energy. It is present in ecosystem.

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It has a chain.

Is a model of the feeding relationships among organisms in an ecosystem?

food chain lol #c I'm looking for the answer to 20#