

Why do frogs and toads lay a lot of eggs?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Survival of the species. Predators consume a lot of eggs, tadpoles and young frogs.

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Q: Why do frogs and toads lay a lot of eggs?
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Why do frogs give birth to lots of eggs?

Frogs lay a lot of eggs because a lot of animals eat tadpoles and small frogs including other frogs.

If frogs have thousands of eggs why don't we have frogs everywhere?

Frogs and toads have a high mortality rate, which means they lay a lot of eggs because most will end up dying before becoming a fully mature adult.

Why do toads lay their eggs in strings?

They need to lay a lot of eggs so that if some are dead or they are eaten by predators, at least there are still some more eggs:)

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its more easy to give birth in water

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If your talking about frogs I think they lay eggs every couple of days, They lay a lot at a time though but they lay frequent amounts as the chances of the eggs surviving and tunring into fully grown frogs is quite slim :)

Do parrot fish lay a lot of eggs?

Yes. they lay 25 eggs

Why do some animals lay a lot of eggs?

Some animals A&R particularly prone to being preyed upon by other species. They need to lay more eggs In order to increase the probability that some offspring will live to reproductive age and lay lots of eggs themselves.

Why do amphibians lay 200 eggs?

Because frogs have a high mortality rate, meaning that a high percentage of the eggs will never make it to adulthood. They lay a lot of eggs because even if 1% of the eggs make it to adulthood, if you lay 5,000 eggs you still get 50 that make it to adulthood.

What animals eat frogs and toads?

Baby toads eat the same things that big toads eat. They eat insects.

Do Brown pelican lay eggs?

yes.... they lay up to 16 to 30 eggs at a time that's a lot of eggs

Do fishes lay eggs a-lot?

They lay lots of eggs - but not very often (once a year is common).

Do beetle lays lot eggs?

If you mean does a beetle lay a lot of eggs yes they lay eggs almost like flies but could be different depending on type of beetle :);)