

Why do fruits have voltage?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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Q: Why do fruits have voltage?
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Which fruits produce electricity?

Citrus fruits . . . the lemon is the best for creating voltage.

Why do fruits and vegetables produce voltage?

They take in energy to grow, and release it as calories, and it may be converted to low-voltage electricity.

Does current flows through fruits?

If the voltage is great enough a current will flow.

Can you use an Amp meter to read energy with fruits and vegitables?

No but you can use a volt meter to read voltage.

Why does a potato have more voltage?

When two different metals are pushed into a potato a voltage can be measured across the metals. The same is true for many fruits and vegetables. The reason is that chemicals, normally acids, in the fruits or vegetables react with the metals and generate a voltage. Good metals to try are copper and brass but others are worth using as well. The chemical compositions vary and so does the voltage. Potatoes are known to give a higher voltage than many others. For those who have the inclination, try various metals and fruits to find the highest voltage. It is this same principle on which batteries are based. Unfortunately, fruit is not quite as good as a purpose made battery so don't expect to be running any high power devices from a lemon when you try it.

Why is the potato a better battery than the lemon?

There is not much difference in either case. The voltage can be increased by putting vegetable that you have mentioned in series. By increasing the voltage, charge can be increased and it can be used to power small light bulbs.

How do you get higher voltage from a fruit battery?

use a metals further away from each other on the reactivity series (I think). but using more electrolytes (more fruits i.e. 4 lemons instead of 1 etc) will definitely give a higher voltage. the more fruit, the bigger the voltage. :D

Can a potato generate electrcity?

Potatoes and many other fruits and vegetables can produce an electric voltage. By pushing two different metal probes into the potato, a voltage can often be measured across the two probes. The metals must be different to each other and different combinations produce a range of voltages. Try different fruits and vegetables to see which are the most effective.

I am doing a science fair project on Which vegetables and fruits produce the most energy Its for the science fair at school Can I use a voltage meter?

Veggie tales!

How can a banana produce an electricity?

Use two electrodes of dissimilar metal (eg. nickel and copper). Stick them in the bannana. A small voltage will be developed across the two electrodes, due to the mild acid in the bannana. Most fruits (and seeds) will work this way, citrus fruits are better, due to the strength of the acid.

What provides more electricity fruits or vegetables?

'Electricity' is a field of study in the same way that 'chemistry' is a field of study; it is NOT a quantity! So, as stated, your question is meaningless. You need to ask which provides 'the greatest voltage', or 'the most energy', etc. Assuming you mean 'the greatest voltage', then this is a function of the electrodes used -NOT the fruits or vegetables themselves. The potentials acquired by the electrodes is determined by the 'electrochemical series'; the further apart the metals are on this series, the greater the potential difference (voltage) between them. For example, if you were to use a copper and a zinc nail, then the resulting potential difference would be around 1.1 V (volt).

What produces the most electricity lemon lime and orange?

a lime. I tested it on a science experiment and the voltage on a lemon is 1.302 and the lime got 1.523.