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There is not much difference in either case.

The voltage can be increased by putting vegetable that you have mentioned in series.

By increasing the voltage, charge can be increased and it can be used to power small light bulbs.

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12y ago

When two different metals are pushed into a potato a voltage can be measured across the metals. The same is true for many fruits and vegetables.

The reason is that chemicals, normally acids, in the fruits or vegetables react with the metals and generate a voltage. Good metals to try are copper and brass but others are worth using as well. The chemical compositions vary and so does the voltage. Potatoes are known to give a higher voltage than many others.

For those who have the inclination, try various metals and fruits to find the highest voltage. It is this same principle on which batteries are based. Unfortunately, fruit is not quite as good as a purpose made battery so don't expect to be running any high power devices from a lemon when you try it.

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Q: Why is the potato a better battery than the lemon?
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What is the purpose of the lemon battery?

The use of a lemon battery is a demonstration of what is necessary for a battery to operate. All you need to make a battery is two dissimilar metals and acid. There is not much practical application of the lemon battery. They are not cost efficient for the amount of energy produced. The same with a potato battery potato's have more power than lemons and are easier to make.

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Yes!! William A. Borst invented the potato clock in 1983.

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Can a potato light a light bulb better than a battery?

i would say no because the battery has a lot of energy to pass to the light bulb and not a pataoe

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Does lemon juice cleans pennies better than bleach?

yes lemon juice cleans pennies better than bleach

What are the thing you can use to make a lemon battery rather than a nail and a penny?

just buy a battery

What would be a hypothesis for a lemon battery?

It depends if your doing a test such as does this _______ and this ________ materials work better than this and this, but im doing my science project and its just the lemon battery just out in the open, showing how it works, so my hypothesis is just will the lemon battery work"?,, and i would answer yes. Hope this helps by the way if that wasn't scientific enough because im only in the 7th grade check out some websites on google:)