

Why do galaxies appear to move away from each other?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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they do move away from each other but it would never happen in awer life time

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Q: Why do galaxies appear to move away from each other?
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Because you touch yourself at night

What info has Hubble contributed astronomy?

He gave the idea that the universe is expanding, which has a lot of supporting data currently. The galaxies in the universe appear to be moving away from each other.

What directions do galaxies move?

Most move away from us, and each other.

What has the Hubble telescope contributed to our knowledge of astronomy?

== it gave the idea that the universe is expanding, which has a lot of supporting data currently. The galaxies in the universe appear to be moving away from each other.==

Are galaxys moving away from each other which means the universe is contracting?

No.More specifically:Not all galaxies are moving away from each other. The Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies are moving towards each other (and at a pretty good clip, too: about 300 km/s). The entire "local group" of galaxies is moving in the general direction of something called the "Shapley Supercluster".Very distant galaxies do tend to be moving away from each other, but that means the universe is expanding, not contracting.

What best describes how galaxies generally move 1 toward each other 2 away from one another 3 randomly 4 galaxies do not move?

The general tendency is for galaxies to move away from each other, in other words, the Universe is expanding. Only in our "immediate neighborhood" will you also find some galaxies that move towards us.

Are most galaxies moving toward or away from each other?

Most galixies are micing away from each other, at a constantly accelerating pace as time passes.

According to Hubble's law what do the farthest galaxies in the universe appear to be doing?

Receding from each other faster the farther away they are. He saw they were "red shifted" and the red shift was greater the farther away the galaxy was. This mean that the Universe is expanding.

What does the big bang theory say about the movement of galaxies?

The Big bang theory states that the galaxies are in fact moving away from each other

Are there planets inside of galaxies?

Yes. Our own solar system is part of the Milky Way galaxy. Thousands of other systems with planets have been discovered in our galaxy. The number of planets in our galaxy alone prbably numbers in the billions.

Does Every Galaxy Merge Eventually?

The answer to this is we do not know but it looks unlikely.The expansion of the universe appears to be speeding up. Local Galaxies might merge into larger galaxies but these galaxies will expand faster and faster away from each other.

Who classified the galaxies according to shape and distance and concluded that galaxies move away from each other at a rate dependent to the distance between them?

Edwin Hubble, in the 1920s. Later they named a telescope after him.