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The answer to this is we do not know but it looks unlikely.

The expansion of the universe appears to be speeding up. Local Galaxies might merge into larger galaxies but these galaxies will expand faster and faster away from each other.

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Q: Does Every Galaxy Merge Eventually
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What is a merging galaxy?

Not "a" merging galaxy - merging galaxies. Sometimes two (or even more) galaxies collide, and eventually combine (i.e., "merge") into a single galaxy.

How does the galaxy get bigger?

Galaxies get bigger by a process of merging. The gravitational attraction of the galaxy and the dark matter round it pull in satellite galaxies and these merge with the main galaxy. Eventually large galaxies merge to form large elliptical galaxies. look at the link below.

Do all the galaxies form a bigger galaxy?

Over time - billions of years - galaxies will merge with other galaxies. In about 3 billion years, the Andromeda galaxy will merge with our own galaxy, the Milky Way.However, the separation between galaxies is so great, that not all galaxies will merge unless the fundamental issue of the amount of mass in the Universe is determined.If we live in a "contracting universe" then eventually all galaxies will merge.

What happens when two galaxies merge into an elliptical galaxy?

and thof

What might happen to the Andromeda galaxy in future?

It will "merge" not collide with the Milky Way Galaxy in about 4 billion years times.

What is a galaxy that has not interacted with another galaxy?

Every galaxy interacts, via gravity, with every other galaxy.

What will happen to the milky way galaxy in the universe?

Difficult to know for certain. However, it seems likely that the Milky Way galaxy will collide with the Andromeda Galaxy in about 3.4 billion years or so. The supermassive black holes that are believed to be in the centers of many galaxies (including the Milky Way) will probably merge, and most of the stars of the combined galaxy will eventually settle into position in the new galaxy. But some stars will likely be flung out into interstellar space.

How far is the Andromeda Galaxy?

At the current estimates, the Andromeda Galaxy is about 2.54 million light years from us, and getting closer every year. At that rate, it is expected to "merge" not "collide" in about 4.5 billion years.

Are stars always in the same galaxy?

Generally stars are in the one galaxy. However, it is possible for galaxies to collide or merge, so in those instances it can change.

Is the Milky Way merging with anything?

Not at the moment but in about 5 billion years it will merge with the Andromeda galaxy.

What do veins merge to become?

The ones returning blood to the heart from the body tissues eventually merge to become the inferior and superior venae cavae.

Will humans ever be able to live in the Andromeda galaxy?

I suppose if we survive long enough it is possible. In fact if we stay where we are for another 4.5 billion years, Andromeda will "merge" with the Milky Way Galaxy (Our Galaxy).