

Why do gar shed there scales?

Updated: 12/3/2022
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Q: Why do gar shed there scales?
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Skin that they regularly shed a layer of as they grow

Do fish shed there scales with growth?

of course not

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Marlins do have scales, eventhough many people belive they dont. The scales are very attached to the body, so they're kind of hard to see. swordfish dont have scales.

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No.. They shed. They dont have scales they have fur. So they shed. Which is when their fur falls outs.

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Yes, all snakes shed their skins. They do this to grow. It enables them to be renewed, the new scales are brighter.

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No it's called shedding

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No. It may have scales but it is not snake-like.

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Goldfish have scales rather than hair, and as such, they do not shed

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Their 'skin' is made of a layer of bony plates (not really skin then). These bony plates are really just modified scales. They cannot be shed.

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Yes, the Spanish mackerel has scales. These scales which only partly cover this species, are so small however that they are frequently overlooked. Many fish, such as tuna, herring and mackerel, shed their scales when removed from the water.

Do reptiles do metamorphosis?

yes they do every time they grow they metamorphiosis (moult) (shed) they remove there old skin like a sock and another layer of skin and scales bigger skin and bigger scales are formded they reapet this every week or month when they reach the adult stage they slow down in shedding they still will shed but not as much as when they where hatchlings in adult hood they mostley shed to keep there scales and beauty in tact or for breeding perposes