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You probably have a cage set-up where there isn't anyway that they can burrow, which is what they love to do. You could either A) ignore it, B) If you have a Critter Trail cage, you could purchase a cage extension called the Super Pet Critter Trail Burrowing Maze Accessory that you connect with an accessory tube from their main cage, to it, for them to burrow through, or C) Look through cage set-ups and make up one of your own. If you have an aquarium set-up to begin with, you can simply add a heavy deal of aspen wood shavings to the bottom of the cage where they will burrow through and make their homes.

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they don't they just take naps between the day unlike hamsters that sleep all day and up all night

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Q: Why do gerbils scratch at night?
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What do you do if your gerbils nails are to long?

Give them things to scratch on like thick peaces of cardboard personally my gerbils scratch the side of the plastic bottom of the cage and that keeps their nails short bless.

Why does your 2 gerbils seem to sleep all day and night even when you turn the light on during the day?

Gerbils have short periods of activity throughout day and night.

Why do gerbils scratch the corner of their tank?

There are a few reasons for this. Some might be trying to get out. Others use this as a method to mark tehir territory, or to explore the spaces they are in. Also, gerbils need to knaw down their teeth and wear away their claws. To do so naturally, they chew and scratch on ahrd surfaces.

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Why does your gerbil keep making loud tapping noises in night?

when gerbils get scared they thump their back paws on the ground to warn the other gerbils underground that here is something scary :D

Do gerbils need sunlight?

Yes, they can. Not as well as birds, but still well. In the wild, they do... things kinda like night patrols.

Why does your gerbil sleep all day and night?

Gerbils are nappers (as in they take naps throughout day and night). You probably just aren't there when the gerbil is awake.

Who invented gerbils?

Gerbils are an animal and can not be "invented".

Can anything live with gerbils?

Other gerbils.

Can gerbils get fixed?

Male gerbils can be neutered, but it is not recomended. Female gerbils should not be spayed. In general male gerbils should not be neutered unless there is a good reason for it.

Are there rodents smaller then gerbils?

Yes, mice are smaller than gerbils, but I think gerbils are the right size.

Are gerbils from the UK?

no gerbils are not originally from the UK but instead from the deserts of Asia. But you can still buy gerbils in the UK