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Q: Why do ghosts stay around?
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Why do ghosts appear to the living?

Ghosts can choose to stay on earth. Some might have some unfinished business or they want to stay with their loved ones. To see ghosts it depends if you have the gift to see them.

How do ghost stay in the world?

They don't. The only place they stay is in your mind. Ghosts do not exist.

Do you believe in the existence of ghosts?

There could be some ghosts around.

How far can ghosts travel or are they stuck in one area only?

Ghosts usually stay in one general area. They are souls of people who died, usually in a violent or unsettled way. For example, many Civil War battlefields are supposedly haunted. Therefore, the souls stay around the place they died.

Do ghosts stay at your house?

Ghosts are just demons, I am in a Christian house, so no. Do they live in yours? Try repelling them in the name of Jesus.

Why do ghosts stay behind?

No question that there are good and bad ghosts, and I usually like to believe that ghosts don't mean to cause harm to us. But here's my answer to your question. Ghosts linger in homes and houses mainly because they were killed, so they had to stay behind and linger, waiting to be set free, or to be avenged. They can't rest peacefully until then.

Why do ghosts stay in the same location?

Becasue they feel like its there home

Is ghosts really real?

yes they are. there not scary they just fly around and stuff. ghosts are everywhere.

Why does the world have ghosts?

The world has ghosts because the people who died wanted to stay on eath not heaven.It is actullay true that when you die you get to decide if you want to be a ghost or not.

Why do ghost stay in your house?

Ghosts usually stay in "your" house because at one time they lived there or died there. They don't know whats going on as most ghosts think they are still alive. Tell them to go to the light and this is your house now.

How do you know when a ghosts around?

The temperature falls

Can ghost harm you?

There is no such thing as Ghosts. no ghosts can not harm you but poltregeists can. they,re what throw crap around and at you.