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Their parts are different so can't am like boys

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Q: Why do girls sit to go potty?
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Do Webkinz go to the toilet?

Yes, if you buy a toilet and then make your webkinz sit on it they will go potty.

Child potty training?

potty training your child should be fairly simple you should make it fun for your child to want to go potty on in his her potty chair, with little boys have him stand in front of his potty you might have to help him hold his penis and tell him to pee and show him to shake it to get the drips off, but show him to sit if he has to excrete. and for little girls who easier than boys just take her into the bathroom and sit her on the potty so she can urinate or excrete, put the toilet paper in her hand and show her to wipe herself off so she doesn't drip.

Do girls stand to go potty?

No, but you already know that from your previous question

What does this mean when dogs sit down?

Either 1. they are tired 2. they have to go potty, or 3. someone told them to sit.

How you go potty?

uh hi my name is potty trainer mom and i love helping people go potty

Where do ostriches go potty?

They mark territory and 'go potty' there or they just where ever they are!

Tips for Potty Training Girls?

Potty training is an important step in your toddler's life for you to climb and conquer together. Time and effort will be needed to teach your child to use the potty and ditch those diapers for good. It can be a little easier when potty training girls over boys but you will still need to be consistent, persistent and extremely patient.Her Very Own Potty SeatPurchase a cute and comfortable potty seat that will interest your child and make her want to use it. Place it in the bathroom near the toilet and allow her to explore the new chair. Let her sit on it fully clothed and while wearing a diaper at first. She will be more likely to use it if she becomes familiar with it. Be sure to let your daughter know that the potty seat is her own special chair. You may want to write her name on it and let her put some of her favorite pretty stickers on it to really make it her own.Set an ExampleChildren learn by observing and imitating. Get your daughter toddler diapers that are made to be able for her to pull up and down easily on her own. She can get used to wearing regular underwear while still be protected from accidents. Let her know when you need to go potty and allow her to be in the bathroom to see how you pull down your pants and sit on the toilet. An important aspect of potty training girls is to teach them to sit down to go and always wipe from front to back. Encourage your toddler to copy and be like you by doing the same on her own potty seat.Motivation Is KeyNever push too hard and put undo pressure on your child. Learning to use the potty should be a positive, pleasant experience. Hold her interest in using the potty and keeping her underwear dry by reading her stories or watching DVDs together on the subject.The accomplishment of going in the potty can be an exciting event. Acknowledge your daughter's success with a smile, praise and hugs. Celebrate her progress by letting her shop for the big girl' panties of her choice.

How do you potty train a three year old girl?

Model the behavior and repeat regularly. Take your girl to the potty every hour. If you're the mom, you go "potty" too at the same time, even if you do not have to go. Sit for 5-10 minutes; say "Mommy has to potty too!" Do all the routine actions; get toilet paper, or whatever your habit is. Get up; pull up your clothes. Ask, "Did you go potty, too?" Help her get redressed. Wash hands--even if no one did anything. "Now that we went potty, we can go (play; read a book; play outside)." Important-- repeat every hour or so, over and over and over. She'll catch on.If she has an accident, do not scold. Just say, "You need to go to the potty when you have to 'go'." "Come tell mommy when you need to go."

Why do humans go potty?

Well, you eat and drink. And that can stay in you forever! It has to get out of your system some how. Yep, that's why we go potty. I know when you have to go potty it gets annoying, but it gets MORE annoying if you COULDN'T go potty. Now do you see why?

How do you you potty-train a 2 year old boy?

you tell him hess out of diapers then you sit on the potty as an example then he should do it mommy does the example or else they dont do it

How can you potty train your baby on babydow?

Raise their speech to 3500 so they can ask fro the potty first. The will not go in the potty in the beginning, but the higher your baby's hygiene is, the more likely they will be go in the potty.

How do you potty at night?

Just go potty normaly. Turn the light on!