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Could be infection, could be not cleaning properly down there. The best thing to do is to take a good hot shower using a wash cloth and clean there gently, making sure to get all the soap off. Dry off and put on some baby powder. If the odor persists, then get to the doctor. I think there may be a new product out on the market that you can buy and test at home to see if you have an infection of sorts. Go to your nearest Target/Walmart or pharmacy for it, cant remember the name. Don't wait too long for doctor because can lead to more serious issues.


The vagina is a self cleaning organ. The reason we have vaginal mucus is because the mucus carries things out that would cause odor.

If you have a bad odor that only you can smell, you may just need to wash around the external "girl parts". If others are able to smell the odor too - you may have a forgotten tampon in your vagina, an infection, an illness or even a hormone imbalance.

If you are in a monogamous relationship and so is your partner - so you know you have not picked up an STD; check for lost objects like a tampon or condom, if all is clear - you could try using a vinegar and water douche. I would recommend the disposable that won't be reused, and not able to spread infection. If this does not clean up the situation 100% - get yourself to a gynecologist - or if you may have an infection - don't douche, just go see a gynecologist.

Using powders and sprays are not the best solution, as they can cause an irritation that could actually make the odor worse.

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That's like asking "why do boy's farts smell?" It's just a natural body odor. You can't help it if your fart stinks. A girl can't do anything about her vagina smell.

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