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Goldfish bowls are not suitable to be used as receptacles for fish. They were used in ignorance during the whole of the 17th and 18th centuries and into the early 19th century as receptacles for keeping a single Goldfish in. These fish always perished (died) and had a slow and painfull death. In this day and age we know better. We actually have the information (The basics of fishkeeping are below)and knowledge that they didn't have way back then, so we have no excuse. Air bubbles will simply increase the meniscus of the water a little and will allow more oxygen into the water as it passes out CO2. They will do nothing to improve the quality of the water. If you attach a filter to the air pump and let the filter medium 'cycle' then you will get a benefit as the bacteria in the filter turn poisonous Ammonia into Nitrite and then into harmless Nitrate. The basic rules for keeping any kind of fish are. 1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. Every tank needs to have at least 50% of it water changed evey week. Comply with the above rules and your fish stand a chance of surviving. Fail to comply with them and I can guarantee that your fish will have constant health problems.

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Q: Why do goldfish bowls not need air bubbles through them?
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Does a betta need a filtered tank or would a goldfish bowl work?

they can live in goldfish bowls i have always kept my beta in a goldfish bowl and my last beta lived between 4-5 years in a goldfish bowl.

Is goldfish are happy in tanks?

Yes, the bigger tank the better. They actually HATE goldfish bowls. (they're not nearly big enough). Goldfish usually need a 20 to 30 gallon tank

Can goldfish live in plastic bowls?

No. They need a 20 gallon tank. Add 10 gallons for every fish after that.

Is it ok to have two goldfish in one bowl?

Goldfish cannot live in bowls. Fancy goldfish need at least 20 gallons for the first fish, and 10 gallons minimum for any additional goldfish. This means that for two goldfish, the smallest tank you should have is 30 gallons.

What do goldfish do for fun?

Goldfish like bubbles and will act as though they are playing when swimming through them, or riding the bubble current that is created. Sometimes they will also do somersaults when someone is near their tank, though this is probably one of their silly ways of begging for more food than they need to eat in a day.

If a goldfish is living in a bowl and loses the colour of its tail does that mean its going to die?

Not neccessarilly. You probably need to change its water more often and if possible get a fish tank (aquarium) to put it in. Bowls are not the best containers for goldfish.

Do you need to clean the goldfish bowl when there are bubbles around the bowl?

Goldfish shouldn't be living in a bowl, they'll have a really bad life and wont live long at all. Just scoop some of the water up into a spare tank or something with the goldfish so it can stay there while u clean it. Then just rinse it with normal water and use the special goldfish cleaning spray. then fill it back up, and tip the goldfish back in carefully. When i was little, I had a goldfish in a 10 liter tank... pretty bad but id say that's the smallest ONE goldfish should ever be in if you want it to last >_<

How much water does goldfish need?

It depends on the goldfish.. For ones that stay small you should have at least 10 gallons.. The bigger the goldfish gets the more water it needs. Those one and two gallon bowls do not cut it..

What does the death of goldfish signify?

That you need a new goldfish

What are some basic breeds of goldfish?

there are three basic breeds: fantail goldfish, comet goldfish, and common goldfish. if you are getting goldfish for the first time, i would recommend common goldfish as they need the least care.

What do you need to mack bubbles?

you neeed water soup and that ti all you need to use to mack bubbles

How do you make a goldfish to grow faster?

A Goldfish will grow quicker if you increase its metabolism slightly. This can be done by keeping the water at summer temperatures of around 65F to 70F. Goldfish kept at this higher temp will also need added space (2 gals per inch of fish), air bubbles and a really good filtration system. Their food intake will also need to be increased and the inclusion of live food such as earthworms several times weekly would also be advised.