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IT IS WHAT HAPPENED TO MINE. IT IS Amonia Burns. treat it immediately. u can take it to petsmart or change the water if u dont have filter every other day.

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13y ago
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14y ago

its a fungal infection, consult your local pet store about treatment options that are right for your budget and your tank.

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12y ago

Maybe that's just the way it was born.

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Q: Why are your goldfish developing black stuff on their fins?
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How may legs does a goldfish have?

Goldfish do not have legs. Goldfish do have fins, although the number of fins will depend on the type of goldfish.

What are goldfish fins used for?

a goldfish uses his/her fins for direction when it swims.

Where are the ears on a goldfish?

fins fins

How many fins do goldfish have?

A goldfish has about 1,500 bones inside of it.

Why does your goldfish have a black spot on its head?

It is quite possible that the black spot is part of the fishes colouration. Goldfish often have many different colours in many different shapes and shades anywhere on their bodies or fins.

Do goldfish naturally lose their fins?

no they don't loose there fins if they do they die.

How does goldfish move around?

Well goldfish move their fins of course.

How old is a goldfish when it gets its fins?

The fins develop on a goldfish fry after about a couple days after they are hatched. Until then, they are not free swimming and look like a tadpole.

What is the best type of goldfish to train?

The common goldfish because its fins are not too delicate

What paired fins on a goldfish act as stabilisers?

There are many fins on a goldfish that act in stabilization. The two major ones are the pelvic and pectorals. The anal fins also help in stabilization but they don't play as large of a role in it.

What is a goldfish with no fins?

It is very badly damaged and will probably die. -----improved answer ---- that's actually incorrect, unless there are signs that there was a fin to begin with, in which case it is probably fin rot... but if you are talking about those goldfish that swim super awkward and have no fins on their back, then you are talking about a celestial goldfish. some bubble eyed goldfish also come with no fins.

How can you tell black moors apart?

they are black that have long flowing fins and bulging eyes simaliar to a telscopic goldfish the most not be kept with common or comet goldfish they also are visually impared ! overall they are a beautiful and playful breed of cold water fish!!!