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It's better for climbing and catching prey.

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Q: Why do gray wolves have only four toes on back paws?
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Why is a gray wolf called a timber wolf?

There are only three species of wolves: gray wolf, Ethiopian wolf, and red wolf. Timber wolves are only a subspecies of gray wolves.

How do gray wolves interact with humans?

only when they attack

Are gray wolves carnivores herbivores or omnivores?

Grey Wolves are carnivores as they only eat meat.A gray wolf is a carnivore

Are gray wolves dangerous to the human race?

no they only attak when they feel threatened

What color are a gray wolf's eyes?

then can be grey, white, or black. white wolves in the arctic are known as arctic wolves and white wolves and black wolves in forest are known as grey wolves...although some people might say white wolf or black wolf. Yeah what eva. They are wait i know this ...what colour are gray wol..oh GRAY wolves! smart one

What can a dog do that a wolf can't?

As far as I know wolves can do everything a dog can. (sorry lol) I guess having four toes on their back paws are something. Wolves have five toes on their back paws. Dogs only have four. (not including the dew claw).

Are arctic wolves the only wolves in the arctic?

No, there are several other subspecies of the gray wolf that live in the Arctic, including the tundra wolf, Greenland wolf, Yukon wolf and others.

How many species of wolves are there in California?

Only a single species of wolf may be in California - the gray wolf. Gray wolves were once common in California, but by 1924 their population had been exterminated. In 2015, however, a pack of 7 wolves was spotted in northern California but have since disappeared or, at least, have not been seen.

How is the gray wolf related to the gray whale?

The only way wolves are related to whales is they are both mammals. That's it. Just because they are both grey colored means nothing.

What do gray wolves do all day?

Gray Wolves don't really like to do anything. They are animals, and as animals they have the instincts only to sleep, eat, breathe, and occasionally play.

Where are most gray wolves found?

MinnesotaGray wolves are found throughout America, Mexico and Canada.Gray wolves are also found in not only Canada and other North American coutries but also in Russia, the Middle East, and formerly India, the United States mainland, and Mexico.Europe and north AmericaOk, lets just be clear here, timber wolves and gray wolves are the same... and mostly grey wolves (timber wolves) live in canada, Alaska, Asia, or in north and south america... :) hope this helps!!!

Do wolfs live in tropical rainforests?

No, Mexican gray wolves that are not in captivity (only around 40) currently only live in parts of Arizona and New Mexico - ponderosa pine forests and grasslands. You can find lots of good, accurate information about Mexican gray wolves at the website listed in the Related Links.