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A Great White Shark's teeth continually fall out and are replaced so that the old, worn, dull and broken teeth are replaced by newer, sharper teeth that are more effective.

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Q: Why do great white sharks teeth fall out so easy?
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Related questions

How many white sharks are in the northeastern?

There is an unknown number of Great White Sharks in the northeast. This is due to them breeding and also being a protected species. It is not easy to catch them but when researchers do catch them they tag them.

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Can a killler whale kill a great white?

Yes! A bull Orca has been seen to approach a Great White shark at high speed, bump the shark and roll it over, upside down, then grasp the shark with it's teeth. The sharkgoes limp, almost as if it is hypnotized! This technique also has the amazing additional effect of chasing other Great White sharks away from the area. Sharks are well-known to prowl around behind Orca pods that have calves, waiting for a chance at an easy meal. Perhaps this is what best explains the Orca's behavior.If you have access to YouTube, see the relatedlink listed below:

Why do the teeth of the great white shark help them?

Alligators have a lot of teeth because they eat things with tough meat. With a lot of teeth, they can easily chew their food. Alligators and crocodiles cannot chew. They have teeth that grip prey, then tear the prey item apart to swallow.

Who was the first person to study sharks?

that is easy me

What is the strongest shark in the world?

the great white shark has 373 attacks under its belt but it may not be the most viscous the most vicious shark isn't actually the bull shark this shark comes third on the most viscous shark list with 88 recorded attacks, and the bull they don't love attacking they only attack humans when they mistake us for seals, an easy mistake. Carcharodon carcharias,white 373Galeocerdo cuvier,tiger 137Carcharhinus leucas,bull 88

What is the worlds largest predatory fish?

megaladon easy next question

What is a natural easy method to having whiter teeth?

Brush your teeth.

What is the similarities between a lizards and a goldfish?

Goldfish are very gentle and low mantinance pets. They get along with each other fine and are usually not the fish that will fight. (This does make them an easy target, only place goldfish with goldfish) There is a large variety of goldfish to choose from-fancy, black colored ones, large eyed ones. However, the "fancier" the fish, the more the life span decreases and mantinance increases. To some it all up, goldfish are excellent first time pets and are great for someone of any age!

Are killer whales bigger than great white sharks?

Yes, killer whales (Orcinus orcas) are stronger than sharks. Great white shark size: 15 ft (Fully grown male great white sharks) and 20 ft (Fully grown female great white sharks) Orca (Killer whale) size: 25 ft(Fully grown female killer whales) and 30 ft (Fully grown male killer whales) Sharks have over 3 thousand razor sharp triangular teeth while killer whales have 50 4 inch teeth. Shark brains are about 2 ft long and killer whale brains are 8 ft long. Sharks usually hunt alone while killer whales in pods that have 40 individual killer whales each. One orca group is Transient, the one that prefers to prey upon large marine mammals and one orca group is Residential, the one that prefers to prey upon fish. Combining those 2 pods together would add up to 80 orca whales altogether. But 1 killer whale can kill a shark with a single stun without getting hurt and without help! Note: Sharks are also fish. This means that they are at the very top of the food chain for killer whales as well!

Do puffins eat sharks?

Sharks will eat puffins if they get a chance to do so. Since puffins swim and dive in the ocean when hunting for food, they are easy prey for nearby sharks.

Can you get a ride on white sharks back?

Definitely not. You may think that riding on a shark seems to be a joke, but to the sharks...they think it is a threat and bye-bye you will end up as a shark's meal. But there is a way, just train the shark of course. But i don't think it is easy, so good luck.