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Not very sure but I believe the material the paper is made from causes it to speed up in the process of becoming ripe.

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1mo ago

Wrapping green mangoes in newspaper helps to trap the ethylene gas produced by the fruit, which speeds up the ripening process. The ethylene gas concentration increases within the enclosed space, leading to faster ripening compared to when the mangoes are left exposed.

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Q: Why do green mangoes ripe faster when wrapped in a newspaper?
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When green fruits are wrapped in a newspaper they ripen faster than when left unwrapped plan and design a experiment to prove this?

It's a plant hormone called ethylene gas. Ethylene gas causes fruit to ripen. The more ethylene gas in an area, the faster the fruit ripens

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Why green fruits ripened faster when wrapped in newspaper?

because when the banana is covered the absence of light cause the clorophyll in the skin to break down, thereby turning yellow. With this breakdown, the banana skin releases ETHELYN GAS which causes the fruit to ripen.

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What is the plural mango?

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You can use centimeters or inches. I think this answers your question. =) ?

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Osmosis is accounted for the shrinking of green mangoes when pickled in brine solution.

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Which color melts faster blue red or green?

usually green melts faster.

Why does the color of unripe tomatoes and mangoes change when the get ripen from green to red?

becasue they feel like turning red

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In unripe fruit, the plant has made the fruit acids but not yet made the sugars to make the fruit sweet.