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The last guy you want to fight at a club (besides the bitter, angry, drunk guy) is the guy with his gf. He will go to extreme lenghts to act tough in his girl's presence, even he is not the "fighting type". This is likely due to evolutionary traits as well as the animal brain. The female animal is primarily concerned with Survival, and thus the male animal will do whatever it takes to convince her that he is indeed the source of her survival ie. act tough. There is also the desire to maintain the female's level of attraction as well as a fear of losing it, and as many of you know on a basic level women are attracted to predominatly masculine features. Therefore a man will do things like move slower, try to look more calm and decisive, act like an 'alpha male' and show absolutely no weakness for the reasons mentioned above. As far as being bad ass, or a tough guy, or dangerous, women feel that these type of men are more likely to be the 'alpha male' that the animal brain is looking for than the 'nice guys' who often are more manipulative than genuinely nice (ie. they use niceness to get attention and validation from women rather than niceness for its own sake). In reality, a lot of people have a victim mentality ('poor me, look how I suffer') and the human ego actually enjoys being victim. Women will choose men that allow them to play this role, and thus you will see women stay with abusive, 'bad ass' men. This is because these women are not truly ready for love and are unwilling to let go of their victimhood. Love is seen as the enemy, because it is what primarily undoes the human ego and its victimhood patterns. To the victim, this is seen as a loss of identify and is actually equated with death. Thus there is much incentive to stay with 'bad ass' men who are equally uncapable of loving, and there is incentive for the men to act this way in order to attract these types of women.

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Q: Why do guys act like their bad assess in front of girls?
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