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Abusive men are all about control. I swear they have never come out of the caveman stage. Gone are the days of man hunting and the woman chewing hides! LOL Some men don't get it and it's learned from either the environment they were brought up in, or if they've had a problem somewhere in their adult life such as a woman or women controlling them in the past, or perhaps even losing a job or missing out on a promotion. Some men are just plain mean to the bone. Abusive men are actually weak and, in ways they are to be pitied because their emotions are out of control like a locomotive. They actually do know something is wrong, but often don't know what to do about it and most never will go for counseling because they consider this a weakness. They need to feel safe in their own little world and the only way they can attain this is by controlling those around them in the privacy of their own home. Abusive men just don't abuse their wives, girlfriends, but also children and sometimes the elderly and yes, even pets! They are smart enough to know that they can't get away with this behavior at work or out in society. Abusers will seldom act out while out in public for fear of retribution from another male. They are afraid to face someone of their own strength! When they assert their dominance and authority it's to control their situation to make them feel safe and secure. Oddly enough, all the things they blame the victim for are the very things they feel weak in. EXAMPLE: If they blame their victim for being weak and needy and they can't get out on their own and wouldn't survive without them, it's actually the opposite. Many abusers actually love their mate and are so fearful of losing them they will try to scare them and also brain-wash them from leaving. It's the only tools an abuser has. Abusers have always been around since the time of man, but it was acceptable behavior in olden days, then in the mid-30s up it was hidden (the woman felt ashamed and there was little help at that time) but, since the 60s women are fighting back now. There are many women out there that have formed groups such as "The Abused Women's Centers" and "Transitions Houses (safe houses), programs, taking self-defence courses and laws are slowly, but surely being changed to protect the victim. Young women of today should actually know there is no reason they have to stay in an abusive relationship. Good luck Marcy

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guys abuse people because they are too self centered with their own needs they feel low so they like to over power people they like to feel like they can control you so they beat you to make you lower than them when they really know they are low for doing it and also its a rush to them because they think they can do t once then its ok to do it the rest of the time.....=[[[

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Either he doesn't like you, he really doesn't like, or you two are just really close friends. Answer You should be really careful because sometimes guys will be abusive when alone and they put on a "front" around everyone else so no one will know that he is being abusive. Do not allow it to continue. These are usually early signs of abusive behavior towards women and it can, and usually does, escalate into physical abuse at some point down the road. You do not have to put up with it and you should not. There are plenty of guys out there who will not be abusive to you.

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That's they aren't good for a relationship and certainly not good for a child

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The ability to be abusive is not determined by gender, it is determined by personality. Both males and females can be abusive.

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In an abusive manner; rudely; with abusive language.

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It shouldn't matter. If he is picky with how rich the girl is, that'd be an abusive relationship. Just make sure the boy doesn't have to pay for everything for every date.

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probably an abusive childhood or excessive stress

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abusive or insulting online is called