

Why do gypsies have horses?

Updated: 12/8/2022
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they dont

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Q: Why do gypsies have horses?
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Related questions

Are horses dumped by gypsies?

Yes. Since olden times horses and donkeys were used for carrying loads and transportation for gypsies. They set up camps and take their cattle with them . They are left in the way when they are old and cannot continue the journey.

Do gypsies take care of their horses?

Most gypsies do but not all of them. They usually feed them etc but quite often thye do not realise that maybe their horse needs shoeing or the vet.

The mobile home of the gypsies?

Gypsies are semi-nomadic, and they have lived in many countries as they do today, but originally they migrated from India. They were called Gypsies because it was mistakenly believed they were from Egypt.---The homeland of the gypsies before they set off for Europe was India. It has sometimes been said that of all the ethnic groups in Europe in the first half of the 20th century they had by far the best claim to be "Aryan".---Edited by Leco:The gypsy home pulled behind cars or horses were called Caravans. :]

How do gypsies steal horses?

They put a small plait in the mane of the horse. Usually, they'll get another gypsy to get back later that night to feel the horses to see which have been marked/plaited and they then steal them. If you own a horse and you find a plait in your horses mane, take it out straight away.

What is a group of gypsies?

A store of gypsies, or possible a caravan or family of gypsies

What is Collective noun for gypsies?

The collective nouns are a band of gypsies and a caravan of gypsies.

Are there albanian gypsy?

Sure there is. Gypsies (Romani) are spread all over Europe. There are every possible European person that could be part of Romani descent; Serbian Gypsies, Bulgarian Gypsies, Greek Gypsies, Turkish Gypsies, Arabic Gypsies (Domari;Middle Eastern Gypsies), Italian Gypsies, you name it.

How do you spell gypsies?

It may be spelt gypsies or sometimes gipsies.

Is there such a thing as a traveling horse?

This depends on what you mean by 'Traveling horse'. all horses are nomadic and therefore travel at will. Horses are also transported by humans and thus could be said to be traveling horses. Lastly there is a type of horse bred by Romany people who are known as Travellers, Tinkers, and Gypsies in some parts of the world.

What was different about the Gypsies?

Who directed «The Time of the Gypsies»?

What do you call gypsies now days?

The term "Romani" or "Roma" is often used to refer to the ethnic group historically known as "gypsies." It is important to use these terms with sensitivity and respect for the culture and identity of the Romani people.

collective noun for gypsies?

a caravan of gypsies